Example sentences of "[be] not know [det] " in BNC.

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1 They 're not knowing this , he were n't , I think that the .
2 ‘ We got beaten today by the slow early pace which made her too keen and , in hindsight , a pacemaker would have helped , but we were n't to know that .
3 ‘ You were n't to know this would happen , ’ she cried .
4 He stresses that ‘ our business here is not to know all things , but those which concern our conduct ’ .
5 It had come to harm enough , but he was not to know that .
6 The blood on my face was not mine — though she was not to know this .
7 ‘ Well , I was n't to know that , was I ? ’
8 As it happens , blackmail is a little out of my line , but she was n't to know that .
9 But Fen was n't to know that .
10 Not that Travis , who was n't interested in her anyway , would do anything but agree — though Naylor was n't to know that .
11 The softer her voice became , the greater the danger , but Nigel was n't to know this .
12 Though he was n't to know this , it was a gesture of defiance that was slowly becoming a sexual need .
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