Example sentences of "[be] that what the " in BNC.

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1 Further , since most cases never end up in court , it may be that what the client will have to pay the solicitor will not be covered by the other party as agreed costs .
2 An old-fashioned view of speech communication would be that what the speaker intends to say is coded , or represented , as a string of phonemes just like a phonemic transcription , and what a hearer hears is also converted by the brain from sound waves into a similar string of phonemes .
3 His view is that what the Soviet Union has in small quantities is as good as the technology of the West , but that the country lacks the ability to turn out production volumes .
4 Its view is that what the Commission propose is probably already the law and that a court would in any case normally have regard to reasonable regulatory rules or market practice .
5 I think the the truth of the matter is that what the committee needs is this information that we 've got in front of us .
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