Example sentences of "[be] that it took " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the only good thing about their confrontation against Sukova and Novotna is that it took just 50 minutes to complete , with the established Czech combination sweeping to a 6-2 , 6-2 victory and a place in the semi-finals against the United States .
2 The trouble with the poll tax , as with comprehensive education , was that it took too little account of how we really are .
3 His only comment was that it took work to be a politician : ‘ I 'd get caught out . ’
4 The important thing was that it took people 's minds away from national policies .
5 She had to admit , however , that the main reason that she had phoned the Symses and answered their appeal so promptly was that it took her out of the house , and away from the strain of being with Mark in public while the incident of the night before still divided them .
6 The difference was that it took a year before Chamberlain 's words came back to haunt him .
7 It contained four sheets of paper closely covered in unfamiliar handwriting , and it was a measure of how relaxed he was that it took him the best part of a minute to realise that he was holding a copy of the letter written by Ruggerio Miletti to his family three days previously .
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