Example sentences of "[be] for some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Even when all intended partners of the new firm have indicated assent it will still be necessary to establish some order of seniority and to select the first senior partner : though joint senior partners are not unknown , the better arrangement may be for some restriction to be put upon the time that office is held by any one individual so that by rotating it between the participating firms a reasonable balance is achieved .
32 Similarly the right to grant mulazemets was sometimes used as a means of showing particular honour to individual scholars or of placating those who were for some reason aggrieved .
33 The demand is for some kind of necessity , some sense in which an increase in the money supply must result in inflation .
34 A useful piece of advice to avoid this is to tell users that they should be trying to decide how attractive the industry is for some SBU that is strong in that industry .
35 If one is still searching for ways to explain this absence , believing with most ethologists , socio-biologists , and even some social anthropologists that aggression is part of human nature , then the obvious place to look is for some form of ritual as catharsis , or try to identify some other culturally constructed behaviour pattern which allows the individual Chewong to shed negatively valued arousal states , like anger , which according to such theories would build up and erupt in uncontrolled violent behaviour .
36 What humbug it is for some Opposition Members to say that one should buy British and then travel around in foreign cars .
37 The concordance between Is for some attribute ( e.g. IQ ) may be higher than that between Ns so that we can infer a genetic effect .
38 This may involve a narrowing of consciousness , a division of awareness into a more- and a less-focal area , a widening of consciousness until it has no especial object , or a flickering of consciousness when steady attending is for some reason precluded .
39 Occasionally a married man , particularly if his sexual capacity is for some reason declining , may find pornography more attractive than the " real thing " .
40 The basic principle of law is that assignment of a contract is not possible where the identity of the assignor is an important factor for the other party to the contract either as a reason for his entering into the contract in the first place , or because it is for some reason significant for the proper discharge of the contract .
41 6.5 Within [ 15 ] working days after service of such notice ( excluding the day of service ) the Lease shall be completed and time shall be of the essence of this provision Advisable though this clause may be , the problem is that the agreement is liable to be brought to an end at the expiration of the notice , which could have dire consequences for a tenant who has expended a considerable sum of money on the tenant 's works but is for some reason unable to complete .
42 For a statute or a past decision poses problems of consistency in strategy only when it has assigned people legal rights that a judge forming a new rule is for some reason powerless to change , rights that would work badly with the new rights he wants to create .
43 The last thing I wanted was for some motorist to hit one of my owls just when it was establishing itself .
44 My main aim was for some relief to the back pain that I had had for many years but , having tried many other so-called ‘ back pain relief techniques ’ , without much success ( some worked for a short while , others not at all or even made the pain worse ) , I was not too optimistic .
45 But on that particular winter 's night I am recollecting the dining room was for some reason out of use , and Lord Darlington was dining with a solitary guest — I believe it was Sir Richard Fox , a colleague from his lordship 's Foreign Office days — in the vastness of the banqueting hall .
46 Elgar 's recording of his Falstaff with the LSO was for some reason in a separate release category .
47 I 'm not quite sure , that was for some reason .
48 Recruiting , therefore , was for some time done by means of the Old Boy network .
49 He was for some time a broken man .
50 In fact , I was for some time of the opinion that this huge challenge ahead of us could not be surmounted without my bringing in additional staff from outside .
51 ‘ Its distinctive feature is the outer wall facing what was for some time the running lines of the railway , though these tracks are now wholly within the works area , the main lines passing on the other side of the canal .
52 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
53 In a letter for publication , Williamson had drawn attention to the fact that he drove a Jaguar and was for some time after known to the Gadfly column as ‘ Jaguar Man . ’
54 This as far as we know which is reproduced from the original , was for some sort of a fender .
55 And the horse it came up with this long wooden handle , I do n't know whether it was three or four , I ca n't remember , but that was for some couchgrass .
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