Example sentences of "[be] to [det] who " in BNC.

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1 There is certainly a case for insisting on the democratic control of the EMS , but that means getting more , not less involved in European politics , messy , complex and frustrating as they may be to those who long for simple black-and-white , left-and-right simplicities .
2 It is that the directors ' accountability should be to those who do not direct but who are nevertheless committed to the company .
3 If this were carried out by candidates in examinations , what a boon it would be to those who have to mark the scripts !
4 I think the committee as a whole wanted to be cautious because as has been said earlier our main prime responsibility must be to those who need rest home or nursing home care and have nobody else to fund them .
5 Not all the congratulatory letters were complimentary , but I 'm just as grateful to those who took me to task or argued with me or lectured me as I am to those who gave me a kind pat .
6 Since the node-link-node triples are not as meaningful to readers as they are to those who made the semantic net , the author may place any phrase in the margin .
7 Secondly , we must recall that the mental conflicts which I am identifying as the origins of human society and civilized behaviour — essentially those portrayed in the story of Oedipus — were as intensely painful and unpleasurable to those who experienced them then as they are to those who experience them in our own times .
8 The education package for schools announced by the Minister of State for Consumer Affairs in March 1980 is a particularly welcome initiative , directed as it is to those who are likely to leave school soon .
9 We will see in the training section how important a benefit ‘ confidence gained ’ was to those who had attended courses .
10 Grateful though he was — and there are few examples of anyone more grateful and generous than he was to those who had in any way helped him or even just been around in the bad times — he was not going to be craven or knuckle down like a goody-two-shoes .
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