Example sentences of "[be] [num ord] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 It was expected that these would be first seen at a higher value of the exposure and that in every case a roughly linear graph segment would follow the point at which the subject was fully seen .
2 Owing to the Maryan interlude Thomas Sternhold 's version , with a tune for each psalm , had to be first published at Geneva in 1556 .
3 One was seen at Iden from 9 August to 14 September 1958 ; it had been first seen at Stone Cliff , Kent , on 7 August .
4 I am told you have bought up a large quantity of corn lately , which has been the means of raising the price of corn to such a degree , as to incense the tinners so much against you … that I am credibly informed no less than a thousand of them will be with you tomorrow early : they are first to assemble at Chacewater and then proceed for Falmouth .
5 Nuclear power is a national option with repercussions that are first felt at the regional and local levels .
6 In wild-type embryos , pax[b] transcripts are first detected at 9h ( at the end of gastrulation ) in tissue that will later form the caudal midbrain .
7 Here we compare the development of the excitatory junctional current ( EJC ) in normally innervated and aneural ( pros ) muscle 6 by the focal iontophoresis of L-glutamate at the developing NMJ. a , In innervated muscle , functional gluRs are first detected at 13–13.5h AEL ( shock artefact indicates time of glutamate application ) .
8 He decided to try his hand in racing and in June 1956 the skills of Jim Clark were first seen at Crimond Airfield , near Aberdeen , when he made his racing debut in a DKW Saloon .
9 In his first season , McKinnon will present two plays which were first seen at the Traverse Theatre , Edinburgh .
10 When the results were first announced at 7.45am , they heralded a busy day for chairman David Sainsbury .
11 Gannets were first recorded at Bempton in the 1920s and 1930s .
12 I can remember similarly bitter ‘ Stone Wall ’ comparisons being made by jockeys and trainers when new fences were first used at Newbury , Wetherby , Plumpton , Leicester and several other courses .
13 These ‘ drawings ’ may well have influenced both Dada and Surrealism as they were first published at a time when André Breton was championing automatism and mediumism .
14 Curwen stated that larches were first planted at Unerigg in 1780 , at Workington in 1786 and on Belle Isle in 1787 .
15 Double-deckers were first introduced at Easter 1958 .
16 In the US , sales of micro-computers were first aimed at home users .
17 Iacovleff 's works were last exhibited at the Grand Central Art Galleries in New York in 1939 .
18 ‘ I wept on the night the sidh were last seen at Tara , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ for I knew that they could only sing for one of you , and that there could only be one ruler .
19 Since Charles figured in later medieval tales as the killer of Bernard to avenge his mother 's honour , or , alternatively , as Bernard 's bastard son , it is worth stressing that the charge of adultery against Judith is mentioned only in 830 ( Bernard is first documented at the palace in 824 ) and that no contemporary source ever cast doubt on Charles 's paternity .
20 , George ( d. 1786 ) , cabinet-maker and , probably , furniture designer , is first recorded at Christmas 1785 when he and his son , George , insured premises at 48 Redcross Street , Cripplegate , with the Sun Insurance Company .
21 It can be read millions of times over , but only written to once — when it is first assembled at the birth of the cell in which it resides .
22 Florentine shipping then declined , and the galley fleet is last recorded at Southampton in 1478 .
23 She had been last noticed at the wheel of the car when the Josephs arrived there .
24 Shown at the top of this page is the Clarence Junior icon which was first revealed at Tom 's farewell party .
25 The uniqueness of these localised vines was first recognised at the beginning of the century by Eugène-Aimé Salon , the founder of Champagne Salon ; more recently , in the early 1970s , the house of Krug purchased the entire single-site , wall-enclosed vineyard of ‘ Clos du Mesnil ’ , which is situated inside the village itself .
26 Rey 's own music was first heard at the Concert Spirituel in 1773 , and his compositional ability enabled Sacchini , before his death in 1786 , to nominate Rey to complete Arvire et Evelina ( 1788 ) , which was successful and durable .
27 He was first registered at birth as ‘ Herbert ’ .
28 It was first presented at the ESRC Workshop on Ageing at the University of Surrey , September 1986 .
29 The idea of a major exhibition that would focus on sixteenth-century Mannerist painting north of the Alps was first mooted at the Ludwig and Wallraf-Richartz Museums in 1985 .
30 The production was first given at the Theatre Royal in York , yet it transfers very well to the larger auditorium of the Grand .
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