Example sentences of "[be] [Wh det] has [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , if some setting that you have little or no first-hand experience of does happen to be what has made your imagination bubble and race , you need not cross it off altogether .
2 In the case of Irish union the pre-existing parliaments are nowhere expressly abolished ; on the other hand , it is nowhere stated , or implied of necessity , in any of the union legislation , that one of the pre-existing parliaments was continued under a new style and , indeed , if this view were to be adopted , one is left with the question as to which of the two pre-existing parliaments it is which has survived .
3 ‘ He is a music influence and that 's what has turned them on .
4 Yeah that 's what has gone on mine er you move along to wh with the cursor
5 I really think that 's what has made the business stay , and go as far as it has .
6 That 's what has happened in world football for the last 10 years and we 've just started doing it .
7 ‘ But we knew that once one player took the step others would follow and that 's what has happened . ’
8 It 's not that we 've planned a compromise , it 's what has come naturally within the group .
9 I would like to emphasize that erm the Greater York authorities have n't lightly arrived at erm the strategy for a new settlement , er we have been driven to it by a very careful examination of the development possibilities , firstly around the edge of York , and secondly around the various villages , we know these areas erm intimately from our day to day planning work , and on two occasions , once in connection with the Greater York study , and secondly in connection with drawing detailed greenbelt boundaries we have tramped around the edges of all these settlements and looked very carefully at the possibilities for development , erm the possibilities have been taken up in the development equation , which the County Council has put in front of you , which does still include er some development around villages and around the edge of the city without harming greenbelt , but we do n't really think we can go much further , and that 's what has driven us to the conclusion that er a new settlement must play a part in the longer term development equation for Greater York .
10 that 's what has started it
11 But again obviously that does n't apply but that 's what has got ta be done .
12 ‘ But the affair went wrong — and that 's what has brought you back across the Tasman .
13 The fact that the two leading English choreographers create so many unusual ports de bras as a means of expression is what has made so — many Royal Ballet dancers so successful in ballets with a story .
14 That is what has made the Tory policy of selling off council houses at prices advantageous to the tenants a much more electorally significant event than any of the plans for wider share ownership promoted or floated by Tory , Liberal Democrat or Labour politicians .
15 This is what has made some people think that in this work the distinction between good and bad is simply arbitrary , residing not in the nature of the characters but in the needs of the plot .
16 What we have not changed is what has made the book so popular with your students , in particular the themes which combine so well the requirements of the exam with the interests of students at this age .
17 This , he believes , is what has made Unisys Corp ‘ the most profitable computer company in the world ’ — since the merger of Univac and Burroughs , it has not only kept headcount low , but also used the profits generated from mainframe sales to develop portable software applications .
18 That is what has made us so attractive .
19 Knowledge concerning that enlightenment was what he passed on to his disciples , and this — the positive content of the Four Noble Truths and the teaching of the Middle Way — is what has made Buddhism live down the ages and still today .
20 Says Frances , 53 , of Delamere Road , Ainsdale : ‘ I love meeting people and that is what has made it all so special .
21 But the most serious element in Labour 's legacy , from Labour 's point of view , is what has become folk memories in voters ' minds .
22 One of the main facilitators for community involvement is what has become known in I B M as the ten per cent scheme .
23 It seems as though this is what has kept all those trekkies going for decades .
24 So this is what has kept him employed through these ‘ misspent ’ years : he has been learning to see , and to live .
25 So far all we know is what has appeared in the newspapers , that you have , shall we say , brought into life a baby — a human baby just like any one of the infants sleeping in their mothers ' arms all over the world — in a way that is to say the least unusual .
26 That is what has done so much damage to local government .
27 ‘ I 'm not saying you are n't still quite attractive , but you must be creeping into your early thirties , so what you need is security — and that is what has brought you back to Silas .
28 It may be that Britain has overemphasised the potential benefits of free trade ; that she has actually benefited from the protectionist philosophy which permeates the EEC ; that being a member of a cohesive new power bloc is what has counted ; that the ‘ fight ’ with the Americans over agricultural matters is a case in point ; that had she been on her own , Britain would have been trampled over by her cousins on the other side of the Atlantic .
29 It seems his effort , which is what has taken two weeks ’ — he glanced at Jim Donaldson as he spoke — ‘ to portray himself as the guy trying to help Zack , and all the rest of us here and there as the bad guys making problems , has worked .
30 O.K. well we have dealt with that , research approval is what has changed it .
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