Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] very [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am not very good with words I am sorry to say , so that is how my imagination allows me to tell you what you mean to me .
2 ‘ I am not very good at travelling on my own .
3 I am not very impressed , ’ said Mrs Mirijana Vuic .
4 I am not very confident about tonights game .
5 I am not very sure what 's wrong with her but I can tell by the way they start discussing the weather when I come into the room that it must be Women 's Trouble .
6 I am not very sure that things are very much better now , but at least the days are longer and we probably wo n't suffer a power cut tonight .
7 ‘ You have to be patient waiting for a donor and I am not very patient .
8 It will be a bit nerve-racking in front of my home crowd and because as I have had to rest my shoulder I am not very fit .
9 I am not very wine-wise , you know . ’
10 I am not very happy about this .
11 I thought I bet the cus I bet the er staff are not very pleased about that .
12 Furthermore they are not very successful in capturing the complexity of language .
13 Treatment efforts in general are not very successful .
14 Our observations of 5-year-old children have shown us that , compared with parents , teachers are not very successful in fulfilling these requirements .
15 Ordinary window stickers warning of the presence of an alarm are easily bought nowadays , and they are not very convincing .
16 What my analysis suggests is that the denials of professional responsibility , and the attempts to limit the economic consequences of being professionals , are not very convincing to a public that can observe auditors in a position of power dominated by economic self-interest .
17 Not surprisingly , such pains are not very susceptible to the action of conventional analgesics , including opiates .
18 ‘ We are not very strong but are very willing to learn .
19 If you are planning to work overseas for an organisation with which you are not very familiar , it makes sense to check that they are a bona fide , reputable organisation with a good track record of treating executive employees fairly .
20 In all classes , however , women see more relatives than men , although the differences , interestingly , are not very great .
21 Wintering birds are usually found singly , but gatherings of up to six are not very rare and about 15 wintered at Church Norton in 1968/69 .
22 They are not very loud and in terms of the volume of sound produced they are not particularly impressive .
23 And she warned : ‘ If Sarah does lose the children , she is prepared to tell stories that are not very pleasant about the Crown . ’
24 The final miles back to Staveley are not very pleasant as they involve road walking , particularly the last mile and a half which is along a main road .
25 Thus although they can easily be sold , they are not very liquid .
26 Stocks and shares , on the other hand , are not very liquid since they can not be sold instantly at a guaranteed price .
27 But , as you point out , they are not very similar to dollars … ’
28 ‘ The individual products are not very profitable by the standards of a Hoechst but represent a good market for a small company . ’
29 Stacks are not very suitable for small quantities , as too great an area is exposed to the air and a relatively high proportion of the crop wasted .
30 Whichever way these figures are compared , they are not very encouraging .
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