Example sentences of "[be] [not/n't] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Customs have set new guidelines and anyone bringing in more will be asked to confirm that their goods are not for reselling .
2 I want , on your behalf , to send a clear message to-day to Government and to Employers — the gains that working people have made for themselves and their families — gains that have made their world a fairer place — are not for taking back and will not be given back ’ .
3 They are not for messing about .
4 His group are not for listening , they 're for telling people .
5 ‘ We are not for having any man turn sceptic , and disbelieve his senses ; on the contrary we give them all the stress and assurance imaginable ; nor are there any principles more opposite to scepticism , than those we have laid down . ’
6 We 'll not follow these quangos , we 're not for taking away the power , the power should mean at least we 're accountable .
7 I 'm not for holding back children .
8 I 'm not for holding back children .
9 I 'm not for taking the kids on holiday .
10 Jose explained that the scissors were n't for pruning the tree , cos that would just make it stronger .
11 Knew they were n't for gracing suburban dinner-tables , but for having fun with . ’
12 This lady 's not for shouting down . ’
13 The Lady 's Not For Burning by Christopher Fry was to be directed by John Gielgud at the Globe in May 1949 and Richard auditioned for the ‘ orphaned clerk ’ .
14 He was shaking with nerves when he did the most critical audition of his career — for John Gielgud and The Lady 's Not For Burning — and yet he forced himself through it .
15 He had been across to New York with The Lady 's Not For Burning , just before the Stratford season .
16 At the 1 980 Tory Party Conference she pronounced stubbornly that ‘ the lady 's not for turning ’ .
17 Statements such as ‘ The Lady 's not for turning ’ and ‘ Are we going to go back ?
18 ‘ Unfortunately , just like Mrs Thatcher , he 's not for turning , which is the biggest problem of all .
19 THE campaign for keeping open Rosyth Dockyard is all very laudable as long as it 's not for servicing nuclear submarines .
20 She 's not for marrying , this one . ’
21 The lady 's not for returning
22 Music is n't for keeping and treasuring , it 's for cutting up and feeding into a computer .
23 ‘ Well , the money is n't for racing anyway , ’ he said .
24 It sustained her when the pain inside her became near-unbearable , and it was not for sharing .
25 She stood over a great , three-legged cooking pot , but the stew she was pounding with a pole was not for eating : it was the monthly wash .
26 Then they beat him with the pipes once again , but when they realized that he had managed to keep his secrets from them , that this small Englishman was not for talking , they turned on him in their fury and kicked and beat him until they feared they had killed him .
27 He walked around the table now in an exaggerated pose , and Harry , laughing , said , ‘ If it was n't for spoiling Aunt Ellen 's work I would throw that centrepiece at you . ’
28 He stopped again and , taking her firmly now by the arm , pulled her into a shop doorway and , looking into her eyes , he said , ‘ If it was n't for leaving you I 'd be glad to go , and … and I thought you 'd be proud of me going . ’
29 I 'd stay a bit till your Dad comes home if it was n't for keeping Nelly company .
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