Example sentences of "[be] [that] they did " in BNC.

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1 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
2 It may also be that they did not want to listen to difficult questions we wanted to put . ’
3 And the accusation against several of them , including the Prime Minister , is that they did precisely that .
4 The surprise here is that they did it with the best , very purest intentions , poor lambs .
5 So my reading of the evidence so far is that they did n't want a body lying around on the river bed , where it might come up sometime , or perhaps even be found by divers , but they wanted him carried under water well out to sea . "
6 S so then the evidence is that they did know each other , begging what know exactly entails , but that 's not in dispute .
7 But what was striking about the three-year-old 's behaviour here was that they did this for twenty trials .
8 The point he missed was that they did not tax because they did not need to tax ; he despised the Scottish crown for its failure to collect the infamous taille , but this had , after all , been introduced to France only because of the need to finance military expeditions .
9 Earlier workers failed ; one reason was that they did not have the technology to reach the necessary high temperatures and pressures .
10 We now know that the reason for this was that they did not dwell or traffic within the walls ; that Lundenwic like Hamwih lay outside , along the Strand or foreshore of the Thames .
11 Mr Whitney-Long 's evidence on this aspect was unsatisfactory : indeed the weight of his evidence in cross-examination was that they did not so rely in any material way but relied on other matters .
12 A problem was that they did not have the time to do this ; cells were being charged up and time was running out , every spare moment being needed for preparing and measuring active cells .
13 The problem last season was that they did not score enough goals .
14 ‘ The terrifying thing was that they did n't speak .
15 One surprising aspect of the recall results was that they did not seem to be related to previous knowledge of the junctions , it had seemed possible that even simple junctions would be memorable if they had not been previously encountered .
16 The reason which they gave to me was that they did not believe that a man with my social background could win a General Election for the Conservative Party at that time in the twentieth century .
17 The most important common feature among them was that they did not have absolute rights over the land which they farmed , but that they were in some way dependent on a lord , who had a right to some part of their labour or their profits from the land .
18 ‘ The thing that surprised me most was that they did n't know how to make a quality tube at AISA and we showed them . ’
19 The problem with many of the parents we interviewed of primary school children was that they did n't really know what their children were doing at school a lot of the time and , because they did n't know what they were doing , they sort of feared that it , they were n't doing anything or that what they were doing was not actual work , what they remembered as work .
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