Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had n't been to work for two nights .
2 All the people of Israel then are to know for sure that this Jesus , whom you crucified , is the one that , that God has made Lord and Messiah .
3 Their response has been to aim for legislative repeal or reform .
4 ‘ There 's hot coffee and croissants , then you 're to sleep for two days .
5 And I still feel that you 're to blame for this : if you had been a wife to him he would certainly not have had to seek comfort elsewhere .
6 The main thrust of the council 's efforts had been to lobby for new housing , improve neighbourhood services and strengthen neighbourhood rapport .
7 The British position had been to press for intergovernmental co-operation on foreign , security and judicial matters ( outside the European Community as such ) and to emphasise the deepening of the democracy of the national parliaments of the Member States rather than of the European Parliament itself .
8 Their main response has been to campaign for fairer representation of women among psychologists .
9 My plan had been to climb for hundreds of beautiful feet on one of Lakeland 's fine mountain crags with one of Lakeland 's fine mountain climbers , but it did n't happen .
10 Our second should be to search for appropriate measures for comparison .
11 So to ask why Kasparov played P-K4 may be to look for further rules .
12 The aim of the conference will be to do for this junction of Europe and Asia what the Helsinki conference in 1975 did for the rest of Europe .
13 If experience shows them to be wrong , as proved by hard evidence of a growing mountain of unmet need , their only honest course will be to fight for more resources and resign if unsuccessful .
14 The alternative , and it might be effective , would be to legislate for two-tier supervisory boards .
15 Can I ask you who you would think would be to blame for that accident ?
16 The objective of the FSA 's provisions will be to introduce for unlisted securities a regulatory regime which is broadly similar to that for listed securities .
17 Recent pension fund scandals have shown how right Labour has been to call for stronger legal protection .
18 Western science — like our medicine — is notoriously dismissive of anything that smacks of the spiritual life that our civilisation seems so carelessly to have thrown away.Yet if we are to survive for another thousand years , we desperately need to rediscover this aspect of being human ; not only as a reaction to the yuppie ‘ me first ’ generation of the Eighties but as the only means of re-establishing the synergy between man and planet.This requires a radical shift in our attitudes .
19 When I arrive outside the refuge where I am to stay for several weeks ; it is a house with no name .
20 ‘ If we were to go for full indexation , ’ said Jacek Kuron , the Labour Minister , ‘ there would be a mountain of money on the market leading to enormous price increases , with all the dangers that implies , especially for the poor . ’
21 Those made redundant were to wait for 26 weeks before being entitled to unemployment benefit .
22 The Conservatives were to rule for thirteen years , with Churchill as Prime Minister for the first three and a half .
23 In the meanwhile , England and her king were to live for many years on the reputation won on that autumn day .
24 Quite a few prominent people were to pay for that series defeat and it must have been a cruel disappointment for Mains that he was among those replaced .
25 Alongside doctrinal debates , it was decided early in the Council that the fathers were to legislate for widespread reform in the Roman Church .
26 Accounting errors were to blame for eight kg , but the plant was shut down and part of it cleaned out to find the rest .
27 Mr Allan admitted keeping houses secure was a problem and said it seemed that young children were to blame for most of the damage and fires in the street .
28 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
29 Easy ways to detect this kind of outfit are to ask for popular , but not standard , typefaces or to suggest that the material will be coming on IBM format disk .
30 Councillors are concerned the new development will mean increased traffic and are to ask for some sort of restrictions for lorries .
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