Example sentences of "[be] [to-vb] [det] year " in BNC.

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1 The company intends to cut about 4,500 jobs by the end of 1995 , leaving it with some 20,000 full-time employees , compared with 24,651 at the end of 1992 ; 3,500 jobs are to go this year .
2 The company intends to cut about 4,500 jobs by the end of 1995 , leaving it with some 20,000 full-time employees , compared with 24,651 at the end of 1992 ; 3,500 jobs are to go this year .
3 And 800 of the best fighters in Northern Ireland — including the holders of nine out of 11 Northern Ireland team titles — are to boycott this year 's provincial championships in November .
4 The Comédie Française is to perform this year .
5 An RAF station which is to close this year has said farewell to its last jet fighter .
6 Keke was to try another year , slipping into McLaren in Lauda 's wake , because it is always worthwhile if you think you can win .
7 At other times they would collect along the river bank and the younger Martyn was to write many years later of Crocus vernus , ‘ I remember , when a boy , to have seen it in considerable quantity in Battersea meadow , near the mill ’ .
8 Fernandez , as he was to do some years later , provided a link to Dave 's caddying days with one Severiano Ballesteros .
9 Parreira , Gilmar , Calazans and many others maintain the championship has enormous potential if it was to run all year with matches just on Sundays , as in Italy .
10 There would have been no reprieve had I deposited my CFI over the side and I suppose that could have happened , I was to learn many years later , however , most of the formation complained that I steered a very erratic course , and I thought it was the CFI touching the control column in his cockpit , and with his feet ( suggesting that I move to the right or the left ) .
11 The engineering capability and traffic demands meant that an airfield was many years off — the float-equipped ‘ bush ’ aircraft was to have many years of sovereignty in Ontario .
12 It was to take several years and unexpected pressures before general progress in this direction was achieved , but it is important to remember that there were views being canvassed in the CNAA and more widely that pointed towards a possible further ‘ collective resolution ’ .
13 Bukharin understood better than most that Stalin 's mania — as it was shown to be — for breakneck industrialisation was to bring many years of misery and suffering to all the Soviet peoples .
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