Example sentences of "[be] [subord] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 who has schizophrenia , they 're , they 're because they 've
2 Yeah and they 're when they come up to London they 're going
3 Then they 're when they come out erm and she had two erm
4 The argument is that it was easier for them to maintain the part of their image of statelessness which consisted of ‘ how we have always done things ’ , than it would have been if they had individually moved into town and settled into a bidonville .
5 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
6 By restricting the right to vote to fully accepted church members , political power in Massachusetts was placed in the hands of the godly men who had led the expedition ; those who had joined the expedition merely in the hope of a better standard of living found their efforts justified by success because , despite some difficult times in the 1630s , the labouring population in the colony by the 1640s was fairly certainly more prosperous than they would have been if they had stayed in England , and about 20,000 people had settled in New England at a total cost of about £200,000 .
7 There was no evidence as to what the Perots ' attitude would have been if they had been asked for more than $2.5m. for Caliban .
8 For it hardly damages the contemporary legislature 's ability to work its will if judges decline to speculate about how to read cloudy rules from the dead past or what the intentions of people very different from contemporary legislators would have been if they had thought about a problem they actually ignored .
9 I am if they put houses up there yes .
10 Most people are if they 've got property are n't they ?
11 How can we know what people 's interests are if they do not act on them because they are induced or coerced not to ?
12 Well I think everybody would , that had had their privacy erupted like they had been because they 'd been a small community for well through the years you see and for strangers to come in , I think it applies in every place that you go to , new places , you know that are built up after it just being a little country village people do resent you but I think now that they , they are really erm accepting us for the fact that we have brought things that they would never have had had the new town not been er sta , you know started here .
13 ‘ If other men are attracted to me , then they 're attracted to more of me than you are because they see more of me .
14 We used to go on Lord Street and he used to be where they sold luscious cakes .
15 You do n't think it 'll be once they put the money
16 May be if they taught us about it at school boys would find it easier to talk to a girl about sex and things like that . ’
17 cunt , wonder what that would be if they put it in a dictionary .
18 Erm , you see they were dyed on the wrong side you know they were of course it was easier to penetrate than it would be if they dyed them on the right side you see , it was technically i far far superior .
19 One way of making it more difficult for the Community Charge Registration Officers to trace people will be if they disappear from the electoral register .
20 Someone who had worked closely with Ian Paisley in the 1950s claimed that he had once joked that the only way they would get anywhere would be if they went to gaol for the Protestant cause .
21 He sometimes thought how astonished , how appalled indeed , many of these women would be if they knew that these intra-uterine devices were not in fact contraceptives but abortifacients .
22 And so would ten thousand others be if they knew of this … what can we call it ?
23 In what way will children be better off for having been to school than they would be if they had stayed at home ?
24 It can of course be no more than speculation to consider whether this total concern with instalment size makes people less likely to keep up conscientiously with the payments than they would be if they had a clear idea of their total commitment .
25 Credit costs are lower than they would be if they had to provide for more bad or difficult debts .
26 Or rather they would be if they had a side of slightly more than average demeanour .
27 I was looking at Euston the other day and thinking how much lighter it would be if they had glass instead of that wood and flashing .
28 When the Minister next meets representatives of the industry , what will his answer be if they tell him that our poultry meat inspection charges are not subsidised , unlike those of our European Community competitors ?
29 Rules and customs can be changed overnight — and will be if they fail to meet needs — but motives , especially unconscious motives , are not so readily changeable .
30 It is a sincere and honest endeavour to try to inform the Government of exactly what is happening to the industry and what folly it would be if they allowed privatisation .
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