Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] that it " in BNC.

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1 Blue chips such as British Telecom are realising that it makes sense to ‘ take work to the people to overcome a permanent shortage of software engineers in the South East , says Malcolm Lees at BT 's software centre .
2 Polygamy is now going out of favour , especially as the risk of contracting AIDS through multiple sexual partners is high , and as women become more liberated they are demanding that it be made illegal .
3 ‘ I am implying that it 's unnatural , and I want you to talk to your father .
4 So yo , so you 're saying that it should have been explained to the man from West Calder that that 's the sort of , er level of charges he 'd had to pay and if he did n't want to pay it he should have taken a different house ?
5 That there 's an attempt here to trying to save as many of those jobs as possible and I do n't take the insurances of the gone through the system now , but exactly true you 're saying that it is .
6 If National Music Day is to become an annual event , and we 're hoping that it does , then next year you can be sure that Guitarist will be involved once again in some significant way .
7 You 're forgetting that it 's Hilary you would have to turn to if you want me taken out .
8 Was it only hours since she 'd been wishing that it had ?
9 Well yes , yes in terms it sounds mos most confusing compared with a straightforward business world but if , if , if the campaign are saying that it 's got to be this way for legal reasons they 're not prepared to accept it .
10 they bought it and moved in and now Planning are saying that it , it was n't a
11 Historians of the conservative tendency , in rejecting the claims of the leading historians of the popular reform movement , seem to be suggesting that it must have been over-reacting .
12 I 'm not telling every woman to take me H R T , I 'm suggesting that it 's preventative medicine .
13 It is precisely because it is thought to be binding that it can serve as an expression of identification .
14 The Bank seemed to be implying that it was all the auditors ' fault .
15 The auditors seemed to be implying that it was all the Bank 's fault .
16 Callaghan seemed to be implying that it was not enough to offer young people a broad liberal curriculum in school , if such a curriculum did not prepare them to face the unthinking anonymity of the factory production line .
17 Now it wo n't cure all the problems I 'm pretending that it will , but if we were to have proper seats , proper microphones , electronic voting I believe that it would show symbolically that the House of Commons was prepared to modernize itself and start doing a proper job in our democracy rather than the farce and the theatre which frankly turns so many people off in modern Britain .
18 Today , however , the Sun must be wishing that it had held that headline in reserve .
19 The inquiry is limited to events after 1986 , but Mr Patten appeared to be saying that it was up to the head of the inquiry , under the oversight of the Police Complaints Authority , to decide whether to extend it .
20 ‘ I 'm not saying that women ca n't raise sons on their own , I 'm saying that it 's difficult for a woman to teach , and very near impossible , in my mind , for a woman to teach a young boy how to be a man .
21 No I 'm saying that it 's , it 's between now and Christmas Wednesdays , got ta keep them clear .
22 I 'm not asking that it transfer its estate , I 'm asking that it should make a contribution because it will then show that we 're committed to this very important initiative .
23 I 'm assuming that it was suicide following … ’
24 The many criticisms that have been made of this body of work will be recognised , but again we will be arguing that it has much to teach us , especially as regards incorporating an understanding of instinctive behaviour into an understanding of social relations and moral careers .
25 So now I always and so I , I 'm thinking that it might be that , that I that erm maybe you know like I used to be anxious about something like that and I used to wake up and the dream used to happen , but now that I 've double checked that I know for sure that , that I 'm safe you know for the night it does n't happen any more by cutting off possibility
26 I 'm thinking that it may be a function of a function .
27 But I 'm discovering that it 's the other way round ; it 's the job that alters the spirit .
28 I 'm hoping that it has worked this time .
29 Now I did bring a film along for you see and I 'm hoping that it 's going to work .
30 These figures have always traditionally been very unreliable , but I 'm hoping that it also might indicate that across the country and also in Oxfordshire we are developing what we call out-reach services and the idea is for people to get in contact with drug users who probably do n't want a lot of the time to stop using drugs .
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