Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] say [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's what you 've been wanting to say all evening , Merrill thought : a nice , discreet ‘ keep off ’ instruction .
2 I 've been wanting to say this for a long time . ’
3 Adjustment is not complete , it 's partial alright , so we 're going to say that supply adjusts in the following manner , right , according to the partial adjustment hypothesis alright , so changes in actual supply alright , will be delta of the difference between the desired level of output for T , right and the actual level of input T minus one alright , plus er alright , so that was just our partial adjustment model that we looked at last week , right , we 'll call that equation three okay right .
4 ‘ And perhaps it 's also better that we do n't know what you 're going to say next , ’ Talbot said .
5 I can always tell exactly what you 're going to say next . ’
6 Say if we I mean if , if we 're paying say two hundred pound a month on a mortgage
7 Well you see exactly which is why , I mean we 're getting into problems here because we 're trying to say that one character equals one thing and it 's not that , it 's you know Nick he 's a scientist , he 's a biologist , he also represents in a way Russia , he also represents , you know , kind of erm the new of the young threatening the old .
8 He 'd been going to say important or fashionable .
9 Ashley stopped whatever he had been going to say next with a humourless laugh .
10 ‘ We are clearly hopelessly biased but the investigators involved in studies are beginning to say some interesting things . ’
11 I can tell you right now that there are plenty of indi I I 'm I 'm going to say this up front , there are plenty of individuals who 've taken the information away and tried to do it themselves .
12 But it only needs one that you can not avoid , and you 'll be spending said fifty thousand pound plus per annum in respect to that one patient .
13 ‘ I had a feeling you were going to say that . ’
14 ‘ I knew you were going to say that , ’ said Angalo .
15 ‘ I knew you were going to say that , ’ interjects Jim Bob .
16 ‘ I knew you were going to say that , ’ said Caro .
17 Some are some are promoted to head teachers I know and I knew you were going to say that .
18 You were looking at me I knew you were going to say that
19 I knew you were going to say that .
20 Lyons , however , is attempting to say more than this .
21 Well , who 's going to say that ?
22 The light , fragile voice which is n't that dissimilar to the one showcased on more acoustic numbers might suggest shyness , but you can never predict what she 's going to say next .
23 I never quite know what he 's going to say next about me and the way I dress .
24 I 've been meaning to say this for a long time , ’ said Susan , with an assumption of severity which moved her sister to ribald mirth .
25 I was going to say that , that , John 's point about evolution , it comes slowly because
26 Yes I was going to say that .
27 I knew he was going to say that .
28 I was going to say that , I mean if we do do that why do n't we move to a position when , I know it 's not finalized yet , the P As do the twenty six fives , and we try and adapt Sarah to do the whole s the whole of the four sub teams , ma maybe the threshold has to come down a bit , but but at least we 've got some sort of parity of working throughout
29 I was going to say that ! ’
30 I was going to say that ! ’
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