Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the last chapter , it was apparent that the classification scheme which we are using is fallible .
2 The related themes I am pursuing are difficult to keep apart , and really require a contrapuntal or fugal exposition .
3 As we saw last month , the row you are knitting is five rows down inside the card reader so , to mark the card , locate the row on which you want to change colour , and then count up five ( not including the row on which you want to change colour ) and mark the card .
4 What I am suggesting is that introspective reports , while often providing helpful qualitative information , can never be reliable enough to use as quantitative data defining the presence or absence of conscious awareness .
5 Those who ride the Bay are surfing 's acknowledged aristocracy .
6 The paper I have been using is 140 lb Bockingford , is there a better paper to use ?
7 In other words , although social scientists certainly want to make sure that the information that they are gathering is accurate , this is only a necessary — not a sufficient — goal .
8 It is one of the most significant and important respects in which the recession from which we are recovering is different from all previous recessions .
9 The substrate on which the pellets are resting is important , and pellets on soft soil could be pushed into the soil rather than being crushed .
10 A colleague working in the laboratory to which Dr Sasaki had been walking was dead ; Dr Sasaki 's patient whom he had just left was also dead .
11 To this the applicant and his advisers respond that however understandable the authorities ' current attitude may be the course which they are adopting is unfair , for two cumulative reasons .
12 ‘ The main people who are gaining are those whose total bill is more than £100 , and the vast majority of BT customers do not fit into this category . ’
13 The information we are gaining is essential in developing more realistic models . ’
14 Ask your dealer if the species you are purchasing is captive bred or wild caught .
15 Bank references are sought by companies to ensure that those with whom they are trading are solvent and can pay for goods and services supplied to them .
16 In reality what has been happening is that humanity , driven by the inexorable power of the primordial desire for earthly happiness , has been producing a constant stream of decisions from which the good , which will ultimately help with the building of the Created God , have been extracted .
17 What I am advocating is balanced view of your own work and a more sensible approach to its shortcomings .
18 Does the Secretary of State realise that his comments have failed to persuade the House that the policy that he and the Government are operating is right ?
19 The concept they are promoting is that of ‘ electronic ink ’ — a magic ingredient that will enable scribbles written on one pen computer to be used by other systems , even those without pen-aware technology .
20 Can you remember for example , given the the levels of relief you are advocating are acceptable on the blue route , how such roads such a link as an alternative to the western link would perform .
21 but does n't that bring us back you see to clause nine , erm , is , is , is that a clause which erm which you 're , you 're suggesting is anti competitive because er agents might compete with er each other as to what if any funds they might want to pull down , or
22 he says The economic trend we 're seeing is cyclical .
23 Not that this would necessarily matter in itself , but the music they 're producing is dour , grey monotonous and generally about as much fun as a dose of the clap and a tenth as infectious .
24 what you 're implying is that how that they had a radical policy in mind but because of the war it had to be moderated but I , somehow I tend to believe the reverse , that how that they may have continued the moderate policy but was forced into it because of circumstances to , forced to erm into radicalizing their policies .
25 It only works if you realise that your own extension number is going to be vacant at the time , if somebody 's using it then it wo n't work , alright , so if you try and transfer a call , then you must make sure that the extension number you 're accessing is free .
26 At last she said slowly , ‘ What I mean is , looking back over the past is always a bit sad , even if what you 're remembering is happy times , because it 's over and done .
27 All we 're seeking is some explicit acknowledgement within the plan that there may be circumstances where this type of development will be appropriate .
28 Well the angle we 're measuring is this one here what angle are we going to measure ?
29 Manson & Co. guitars are n't as cheap as Japanese imports but what you 're getting is one of the classiest handmade acoustics in Britain , fully customised to your requirements with extra inlays or even a pickup , and left-handers do n't cost a bean extra .
30 You open the application , set it to read text , set the page orientation , tell it if the document you 're scanning is poor quality — like dot matrix print — and where it is .
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