Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [to-vb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You see , the trouble with guitars that are designed to project is that they just do n't sound good to the player .
2 Juniors come to recognize that the local , situation-specific knowledge they are expected to acquire is important , that it will be called upon , and that it is their responsibility to develop and communicate it , to be sure it gets into the decision process .
3 CLUB : The maximum number of clubs you are permitted to carry is 14 .
4 Yet when viewed from the ‘ outside ’ , the ‘ deviance ’ that such acts are deemed to possess is assured only by virtue of a community 's orientation to them as wrong , immoral , evil , etc .
5 How it could have been made to pay is a mystery .
6 The call from God is a vocation and the the work that you 're asked to do is your mission .
7 It was n't like one of those stuffy clubs where the only card game you 're allowed to play is bridge , and it 's threepence a hundred .
8 The amount that you are assessed to pay is based on what you should be able to afford to take out as a loan .
9 That the Serbs are bound to object is not , of course , a good reason for dismissing the idea .
10 The number of relatives a person may be expected to have is of importance to all students of kinship and the family in the past and in the present , and especially to those concerned with kinship support of the elderly .
11 Almost all the information that can now be brought to bear is fragmentary and indirect .
12 The very first thing that parents should be compelled to realise is that no baby is born with an inbuilt conscience .
13 But certainly during these early stages the most you will usually be asked to do is to nod your head or say ‘ yes ’ at appropriate times .
14 Buyer 's guide tells you that I work for and , and that I 'm authorized to discuss 's products only .
15 All I 'm allowed to do is study while the others do what they like .
16 The title Fergie may or may not be allowed to keep is also certain to come under review , along with the cash settlement Bryan was supposed to be negotiating .
17 That , that 's a sensible kind of conclusion to draw and perhaps this would meet Kirsty 's point as well , because the what you might be tempted to say is look erm , in our cultures we have , we have absorbed from our cultures ways of seeing the world , bits about history and things restructure our thoughts and even when we try and do something new , I 'd say let's have a revolution everybody , put up your barricades , you know , actually we had some great fun in the sixties with that erm the , when this happens there 's a tendency to nevertheless do it in the traditional way , in other words although obviously the sixty eight revolution was about a completely different issue than the seventeen ninety eight revolution , it was very much later in history .
18 Or you can say it the other way round That 'll be a negative correlation Now the alternative would be when you plot them you get a circle almost , you get , there appears to be no systematic relationship between the two So what you 'd be tempted to say is , no correlation Now I 'm gon na try and move towards how we might measure , how might we actually measure , get a measure of correlation because what you 'd be able to say is , well they 're more correlated or less correlated .
19 I mean and I think it is the lack of the regulate the er the regulatory control of city actions , I mean one of the points that we 've been recently been advised on is that one of the city institutions which has already been er fined , er from its London office on a technicality is in effect the New York and London offices are deemed to be one entity and I think that er what we 've been advised is that erm I forget the phrase , I wrote it down here somewhere , that what we would be advised to do is to take action against that particular city institution in New York , because that er it is deemed that the London and New York actions are in fact one and that the that er what in fact the er and I think the f yes , there it is , that , that in a way though what we 've been advised is that the basis of that action would be that the organisations London and New York operations are essentially the same operation and bound by a strict know your customer rule as mandated by U S Securities Law , you know .
20 All we 've been asked to do is secure this ship until help arrives ; which should n't be longer than this time tomorrow .
21 We all mess about when we think that what we have been asked to do is silly or pointless .
22 I have a 48″×12″×18″ tank housing what I am led to believe is a Synodontis Schall Catfish of about six inches .
23 The Secretary of State said that one of his justifications for further cuts in the coal mining industry is the growth of environmentally-friendly gas generation which we are led to believe is cheap .
24 All you are asked to do is to type in the baby 's surname and the computer will display or print a random list of baby 's names ( girls or boys ) with the chosen surname .
25 This must have a major part to play in the increasing mindless violence of young people , imitating what they have been encouraged to believe is ‘ entertainment ’ , namely torture , murder and cannibalism .
26 In an experiment , we can be sure that there are no third variables which give rise to both X and Y because the only way in which the randomized control groups are allowed to vary is in terms of X .
27 John Banville has been hauled in to applaud what he calls a ‘ wholly successful testing of the limits of literary art ’ , but all we are really being asked to approve is the author 's ventriloquial skill .
28 What these continua are created to indicate is that relevant styles of influence will vary with the situation .
29 Teachers may find that terminology which is intended to clarify is sometimes on the one hand , over-prescriptive or , on the other , so indefinite as to be confusing .
30 What this is intended to do is to put structural change into it , to say to home owners , if you come to the area , particularly those built-up areas where there is such a shortage of homes , you can be sure that you will get higher rates and to answer another question , we are , a that would be applying to existing people as well as to er otherwise in the budget allowance for that .
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