Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 However , giving rules for determining where the boundaries are placed is not easy , except in cases where a clear pause separates tone-units .
2 And it 's the same idea in Confirmation that the gifts which you are given are not given just for yourself , they 're given to be used , and there 's no point in keeping them to yourself , you know .
3 You 're then taken down into the operating theatre and the first injection you are given is usually something on the lines of erm er special K , ketomine or the most common one is
4 d ) Changing conceptions of professionalism — finally , it should not pass without comment that the traditional concept of professionalism on which successive generations of solicitors have been reared was not uncommonly perceived to have been undermined by the dominant political and economic ideology of the last decade , with its emphasis on consumerism and market forces .
5 In that regard , does my hon. Friend agree that the commission that the Secretary of State has set up under Professor Alexander to look at the way in which primary school children are taught is particularly welcome ?
6 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
7 The information you have been given is quite correct : the Lobsters will eat each other , so use separate tanks .
8 The information you have been given is quite correct : the Lobsters will eat each other , so use separate tanks .
9 If you are convinced that the grades you have been given are not correct , you can ask for a re-mark or for a re-assessment .
10 The speech he had been given was way off the mark , and he would like the truth .
11 The task she 'd been given was quite unachievable .
12 The evening was damp but most of what had been painted was now fairly dry .
13 The Government that has been formed is not a Coalition but a co-operation between individuals who are banded together to avoid the disaster .
14 The range of problems on which solicitors are consulted is quite narrow , and of 27 categories adopted in the survey , seven accounted for over 80 per cent .
15 Nevertheless , despite such limitations , the rough relationships which are depicted are not without interest .
16 There has been some enlarging and updating of the bibliography , but many works that might have been included are not there .
17 We want to say quite explicitly that the language with which the problems of contemporary urban life are addressed is necessarily problematic .
18 While research can clarify such issues , how they are resolved is essentially a political and ethical question — in the same way as how child abuse is itself defined is essentially a political and ethical question .
19 That they are included is as much for the protection of the member States themselves , who will be responsible for the budget of the organisation and need its field of operations to be defined , as for non-members who need to know the extent of the organisation 's powers .
20 What I am saying most specifically is take all of me — and here of course Gary began the melody on the piano and we all smiled and then she sang , sang her song , and believe me we did all listen to the words that night , we knew that the man who had been attacked was there , and we knew that O and Boy were standing shoulder to shoulder in our midst , we saw them in the centre of the mirror , saw ourselves standing beside them and standing by them and give me a drink now because I had such hopes of a lover of my own on that evening and here I am .
21 You may be familiar with those sorts of stories which say my convent life was hell with the Sisters of Mercy er that kind of story about er church organisations that absolute not to show er Christian qualities in the way that they are organised is quite true that often Christian organisations do find it hard to show forgiveness .
22 The support given by knitters to the events which are organised is very good .
23 The amounts which are claimed are frequently out of all proportion to the loss suffered but , since damages are awarded in some courts by the jury responding to the eloquent pleas of plaintiff 's counsel , the nearest million dollars seems to be not an unusual amount .
24 How they are cracked is almost the least interesting part of the walnut story .
25 There is something shamanistic about New Historicist writing : the critic as one who is able to uncover energies within Renaissance writing not immediately apparent to the reader but whose tribal secrets of how such energies are located are not readily revealed .
26 Any herbs that are added are also organically produced on the farm .
27 The crimes which had been committed were manifestly the work of hardened professionals who had no more to do with the incestuous dramas of this city than Zen himself .
28 The cut where the wing had been severed was quite clean , and the blood had dried up , so she concluded that the poor bird must have flown through some overhead wires in the vicinity during the severe gales we 'd had the night before .
29 One need is the ability of the photocopier to collate automatically , since some of the documents which are photocopied are quite lengthy .
30 The interval at which words are deleted is usually between every fifth and every tenth word .
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