Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Last night , the acting convener , Tommy Gorman , said the workforce was disgusted at the way in which the 67 men who had been made redundant had been treated and the fact they would receive the minimum statutory payoffs .
2 But the number joining the register because they had been made jobless dropped 25,700 to 352,400 .
3 Even the lawns had been restored , like emerald carpets unrolled before his eyes ; sunblasted trees which might have been thought dead had miraculously clothed themselves with leaves .
4 As might be expected this resulted in the reduction rather than the elimination of disparities between the samples , some of the problems being discussed below .
5 As far as can be ascertained this happened near to the position of the guide pulley sited on the lower embankment .
6 This they did not do and they should have ascertained by sticking writing into the National Westminster Bank to confirm that sufficient funds were available for the completion of the proposed transaction and that the terms upon which this finance was to be made available had been agreed .
7 Social security funds for workers to be made redundant reached 1,800 million dinars , and 3,100 million dinars were apportioned for banks ' recovery .
8 You never quite know what they do or where they go in winter , though I 'm told Froggy had a sister in the Birmingham area . ’
9 In fact , it is precisely here , if nowhere else , that the EC resembles the German Empire : when the latter was being built many said that it was unique and sui generis .
10 Twelve farms were visited all farmed full-time .
11 Books that were thought appropriate included Aesop 's Fables , Cato and Virgil and the Ten Commandments in Latin .
12 As shares were being sold this drove their price down , so portfolio insurers sold futures to protect the value of their portfolios .
13 Cambridge-line passengers , celebrating the establishment of an electric link to Bishop 's Stortford and Liverpool Street , felt short-changed when the only trains BR could offer were facelifted 1960 built Class 305 slam-door stock , actually older than the hauled stock it replaced .
14 Mr. Stewart and Mr. James Cowan and that the Subject was to be Republic versus Monarchy … after which all the Members present took part in the discussion and on the vote being taken Eleven voted for Monarchy and Five for Republic . "
15 In contrast to certain other African countries , Zambia had remarkably few periodicals published by churches or religious organizations ; the few that were published all had small circulations .
16 A man whose parents were being held captive had been forced to drive into a border checkpoint in a van containing the bomb , which had failed to explode .
17 ‘ Well it 's a it 's a it 's a place and it 's a g-girl and a boy … and the-they 've got obviously something which is is made some made made made well it 's just beginning to go and be rather unpleasant ( ha ! ha ! ) um and this is in the this is the the woman and she 's put putting some stuff and the it 's it 's that 's being really too big t-to do and nobody seems to have got anything there at all at all and er it 's …
18 Or no , do n't tell me , ’ she denied with a scowl every bit as horrible as her son 's , ‘ he 's adopted another blasted lame duck and has got him living here with him !
19 The bloke that I was sat next did n't take any either .
20 To us it is clear that it was the forms of social organisation in which such evidence was carried that gave them this quality and not the intrinsic nature of the evidence itself .
21 For many years Medicaid did not finance mental health care for adults , while Marmor comments that the amount of benefits for care outside hospital that was made available totalled a ‘ derisory ’ 250 per year in 1987 .
22 He was told this had been to drive off an attack by the dog pack .
23 But she was told this did n't happen because that office had shut and no one could get into it .
24 Although no energy was produced this demonstrated the technical possibility of the process and a serious commercial reactor is envisaged by 2020 .
25 Of the under fifties , it was found fifteen had breast cancer , compared to sixty in the fifty to sixty four group .
26 Disguised in male clothing she made her way eastwards , but was arrested some said betrayed and sent to her husband .
27 The pro-appeasement campaign of 1938 — 9 produced an accelerating recovery from a low base for the movement , but once war was declared this hastened its final destruction — although this is a complex story deserving separate consideration elsewhere .
28 Although Philip was excommunicated all followed his invitation and the assembly had the semblance of an imperial diet .
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