Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] were [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The only muniments which had been catalogued were those dating from before about 1650 .
2 The Court of Appeal required the council to give such an undertaking , as a condition of the grant of an injunction , first because , as Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held , in English law the discretion to dispense with such an undertaking in cases where an injunction is sought to restrain an infringement of the criminal law is available only to give effect to a privilege of the Crown alone and does not extend to local authorities exercising the function of law enforcement ; and second because under Community law an undertaking must be given were necessary to protect any Community law right of direct effect which might possibly be affected .
3 The last buildings to be completed were those of the Banca Commerciale which were only finished in the first quarter of the twentieth-century .
4 After what seemed an age all that could be heard were little hiccups .
5 The day from which the Romans calculated and the day to be designated were both included , for example , 2 January was designated ante diem IV Non .
6 Among the alternative energies to be developed were wind-power generators and steam-turbine plants fired by wood chips , the waste product of the country 's vast timber industry .
7 As in the Certain Standards , among the many audio.visual items to be included were stereographic materials , apparently in plentiful supply at the time .
8 This distance relation score measures the degree of attraction between a lemma and its collocates , by comparing the frequency of a collocate in the concordances with the frequency that would be expected were all words distributed in the text at random .
9 It has not proved possible to determine the composition directly , which is difficult for a condensate , but the measured abundance of ammonia in the gaseous phase above the top of these clouds is about what would be expected were this ammonia in equilibrium with solid ammonia at the typical cloud top conditions of 0.5 bar and 148 K. There are thought to be relatively few breaks in the ammonia clouds , though the cloud tops need not be at the same altitude everywhere .
10 Staff there , who do n't want to be named were horrified that children should be the target of a terrorist attack .
11 What were to be built were three high-speed aerodynamic research aircraft to help develop America 's Supersonic Transport aircraft .
12 Discussions of how the relative strength of States should be evaluated were common , but none of their authors succeeded in finding a clear or universally applicable solution to the problem .
13 Of the baby all that could be seen were two stiff arms poking up out of a manger well supplied with bright yellow straw .
14 The demands for something to be done were strong and understandable .
15 The first courses to be organized were two one-day courses for school librarians , the first being a " hands-on " session to introduce everyone to the RML 380Z microcomputer , which was then the recommended machine .
16 The schools from which the sample was to be drawn were those which had submitted reports , or were scheduled to do so , between the autumn of 1981 and the summer of 1985 .
17 The 49 ferrets to be reintroduced were all about four months old , which is the age when ferrets disperse in the wild .
18 Among the ministries to be closed were Local Government , Rural and Urban Development ; Construction and National Housing ; and Community Development and Co-operatives .
19 Among the ministries to be abolished were those of trade and industry , corresponding to the transition from a command-administrative system , in which these ministries had directed supplies and production , to a market-led economy .
20 The Tropical Plants experts as the team was to be called were all seen tending the plants throughout the shopping centre .
21 By the Victorian period , the only lutes to be found were heavy orchestral instruments called theorbos .
22 The subjects to be covered were diverse , scanning a period of over a century , but they could be arranged in an approximately chronological order .
23 The tactics by which such aims were to be achieved were reformist and not revolutionary .
24 These instructions determine the citation order of the various concepts represented by the Schedules and the Tables and remove the need for facet indicators such as would be required were more flexibility of citation order permitted .
25 These therefore were the formations which it had been ruled were eligible for repatriation , and these correspond directly to the four remaining groups of the original six the " Ataman Group " referring to Domanov 's Cossacks , which included two Atamans , Domanov and Krasnov ; von Pannwitz 's 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps ; the " Res Units of Lt Gen Shkuro " , meaning Shkuro 's Cossack Training Unit ; and the " Caucasians , incl Mussulmen " , including Georgian and other Christians and Moslems from Azerbaidjan .
26 Because of the lack of a pervasive craft history , since Japan incorporated advanced mechanisation and new technologies at a comparatively early stage in its development , the unions which were formed were unable to make a sharp separation among job groups a basis for organisation .
27 I thought it unlikely that it would come to a showdown about me being a lesbian , but felt clear that the chances of being disciplined were high .
28 The number of piles in which the cards were sorted were 2 , 4 , 8 , and 16 requiring from 1 to 4 bits of information .
29 The four double blind challenges that were done were negative and only 30% maintained remission for longer than 12 months indicating no influence of elimination diets on the duration of remission .
30 Paradoxically , this provided for the possibility of voluntary unemployment , an anathema to the capitalist class , and so the conditions under which men 's claims to maintenance from the state were met were such as to weaken male work incentives as little as possible , and ideally to discourage men from making a claim at all , except in the direst circumstances .
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