Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] not do " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , when the amount produced is such that the demand price is less than the supply price , sellers receive less than is sufficient to make it worth their while to bring goods to market on that scale ; so that those who were just on the margin of doubt as to whether to go on producing are decided not to do so , and there is an active force at work tending to diminish the amount brought forward for sale .
2 We 're told not to do it . ’
3 Or a trade may be used not to do new business , but to transfer a credit balance between accounts .
4 To be honest it was a game we would have won 99 times out of a 100 , but this was one of those occasions when we were destined not to do it .
5 We were told not to do this , told not to come here , told to sledge and throw snowballs and make snowmen all we wanted , but not even to come near the loch and the river , in case we fell through the ice ; and yet Andy came here after we 'd sledged for a while on the slope near the farm , walked down here through the woods despite my protests , and then when we got here to the river bank I said well , as long as we only looked , but then Andy just whooped and jumped down onto the boulder-lumped white slope of shore and sprinted out across the pure flat snow towards the far bank .
6 We were told not to do a thing , if we did it well you , you knew what you were up against .
7 I say ’ or ’ simply because I am not aware — and at the moment there is no way of finding out — whether the consultants who wished to involve the NRA or Cardiff city council 's environmental health department were told not to do so by the Cardiff Bay development corporation or whether , off their own bat , they simply chose not to do so , in which case , if there is a design fault , it lies with them .
8 It is surprising that some people in Liverpool chose not to pay their community charge , when they were urged not to do so by Labour Members of Parliament ?
9 It was something she had been determined not to do right from the first , and yet here she was , waiting for Alain Lemarchand , butterflies in her stomach threatening to make her feel sick .
10 Pupils are tempted not to do the job properly because they do not see the work as proper' maths .
11 At every step I was told not to do it because I was bound to suffer from the kind of prejudice I was always talking about .
12 She knew already that to think like a servant was the surest way to remain one — something she was determined not to do .
13 He calculated that he would be able to meet all his daily and official duties if he devoted his entire time to them , and abandoned any attempt at his own writing , but this he was determined not to do .
14 It would have been sensible to stay where I was until daylight , but that was the one thing I was determined not to do .
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