Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] by other " in BNC.

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1 Many cultural historians have too readily appropriated literary writing as cultural documents , subduing the problems about what language actually represents which have been examined by other forms of theoretical inquiry , notably deconstruction .
2 Alison Assiter extends the notion of autonomy into the private realm where the tradition cautiously refrains from setting foot , and suggests that how we treat and are treated by other people in private has a direct bearing on our autonomy in the public sphere .
3 ‘ I 've always been fascinated by other cultures , traditions and people , particularly those removed from the Western World . ’
4 ‘ I 've always been fascinated by other cultures , traditions and people , particularly those removed from the Western World . ’
5 Similar exercises have been undertaken by other er governments and there 's a tremendous contrast with the way those governments have actually sought to do this , with our own government , erm no publicity whatsoever has appeared yet and again I offer the minister the chance to tell us at some later point , what the government is prepared to do to exert itself on this matter and to tell us indeed whether it wants people to register erm it is n't particularly clear whether in fact this is part of er some idea that the government has that people should n't register and I think that the minister needs to be very clear about this so that people get the message outside , because nine and a half million people did n't vote , even in the last general election .
6 USL has been courted by other attractive suitors , and has been on track to an initial public offering .
7 These latter features are joined by other neat utilities for LCD screen users to combat that frustrating mouse pointer invisibility syndrome.A choice of four switchable radio channels is provided just in case there is any external radio interference , for example , from other radio controlled devices .
8 The problem has been compounded by other factors , including increased water abstraction and land drainage .
9 They have subsequently been developed by other thinkers , but for clarity 's sake we shall treat them as a single body of thought .
10 — it could be used to present language — either for the introduction of new areas of language or to supplement what has been taught by other means and methods ;
11 Implied in this idea was the notion that war was not , as some would have argued , the main cause of social disharmony , but rather the chief means of attaining the restoration of an order which had been broken by other causes .
12 Deprivation of parental warmth and physical contact have been emphasized by other workers ( Simpson 1976 ) .
13 It was also of course a source of female power by virtue of the fact that anything that threatens also wields power — a theme which has often been picked by other contributors to this volume .
14 comparable results have been reported by other authors ( McFarland and Ashton , 1978b ; Bowers , Neilman , Satz and Altman 1978 ) .
15 Kanamycin is included in the guidelines , but this has long been superseded by other aminoglycosides .
16 He even underlines the similarity by noting that such traits can be either adaptive or detrimental — i.e. lead to illness — depending on whether or not they are modified by other , more positive , qualities .
17 It is also possible that Grb2 or Sos proteins are modified by other signals emitted from activated receptors to compromise or increase their ability to couple .
18 Some rankings have more than the approval of the author of a guide , and are attested by other authorities , local or even national .
19 This issue has also been addressed by other researchers , but the results do not provide us with a comprehensive national picture based on systematic analysis of the performance of non-traditional students .
20 Women often are as important as men in making and keeping these links , which is one reason why the importance of the kin network in employment frequently has been missed by other researchers , who have looked for people with the same surname .
21 As with protozoan parasites , ponds naturally support a whole host of bacteria — some harmless , some beneficial ( such as the filter bacteria Nitrosomonas and Aeromonas ) , still others are dangerous to fish — though invariably only when they are weakened by other factors .
22 MacLink also has a role to play in the translation of information once it has been transferred by other communications systems ; simple serial links , modem or Email based file transfer or the third main method for getting files between Macintoshes and PCs , disk exchange .
23 These products are manufactured by other reputable companies to a standard approved by Marks and Spencer and sold under the St. Michael label .
24 A change of diagnosis was regarded as one in which manometry resulted in a diagnosis that had not previously been made by other investigations even if clinically suspected — for example a diagnosis of nutcracker oesophagus in a patient presenting with non-cardiac chest pain .
25 Virtually all the data the 650 needs to compile the national accounts are collected by other departments .
26 ‘ Whoever it is has presumably been coming regularly since last November so he or she must have been seen by other people .
27 WITH regard to the ambulance dispute , the Minister frequently says that they should accept the 6 ½ per cent , which has been accepted by other health service unions .
28 The main Commonwealth case from a country with a common law jurisdiction is Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 , a decision of the Supreme Court of Victoria in an appellate capacity which has since been accepted by other appellate courts in Australia as a correct statement of the law , that is to say the common law of Australia .
29 In the meantime , however , many old breeds have already become extinct , largely because they have been absorbed by other breeds .
30 These laws have been adopted by other states , as well .
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