Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] and i " in BNC.

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31 Other interested parties hvae been notified and I await their replies .
32 When I came over here , I knew what the LH and the Grand Cherokee were , but they had not been introduced and I had n't driven them .
33 ‘ I have been introduced and I was not impressed .
34 The crossrail Bill has been introduced and I have no doubt that it will be taken forward with all proper expedition .
35 In May 1983 the head first introduced the appraisal at a meeting of senior staff and I attended this meeting so that the research project could be explained and I could answer any questions staff might have .
36 That 's alright , play with it , there 's no point in saying anything to them Bev it 's now got to be proven and I say , if I can get it done and I can get it sent off , then they will point me in the right direction wo n't they ?
37 This act of faith by the Department was one which I hoped would be justified and I was very much looking forward to the challenge .
38 " Gemma dear , he has a right to be considered and I believe he is a fresh-air man — the Gages and the Bartram-Hyndes have all been brought up to that .
39 Details remain to be resolved and I hope that it will be possible to resolve them quickly .
40 This man has got to be caught and I am grateful for anything which helps . ’
41 However , I shall certainly consider whether her suggestion could be included and I am sure that she is right to suggest the positive rather than the negative .
42 Erm if you wish to proceed with this proposal , I would suggest perhaps that erm it is n't uncertainty of responsibility but perhaps the extent of responsibilities and powers of the various agencies which need to be clarified and I , it is , it is pro probably that area which erm will be addressed by er th the analysis which takes place erm after the immediate problems are behind us er but certainly the implications for the Strategic Planning Committee erm and for , perhaps for local planning or something which erm the Chief Officers could be asked to report back to this Committee .
43 If I am not completely satisfied , I will return my three books within 10 days , my membership will be cancelled and I will owe nothing .
44 If I am not completely satisfied , I will return the books within ten days , my subscription will be cancelled and I will owe nothing .
45 I know you 're going to be interviewed and I know which network it is , so do n't deny a thing . ’
46 " By combination " , Wilson affirmed , " all reforms and improvements within reason could be secured and I preached this doctrine on every possible occasion " .
47 There is a very big job to be done and I adore John , having worked for him when he was party chairman . ’
48 ‘ In the circumstances there was no more to be done and I put the matter out of my mind until your officer telephoned my housekeeper yesterday . ’
49 But nothing seems to be done and I tire of it .
50 That operation as I understand it is certainly either available on the National Health or er likely to be available on the national health I have not understood that it is the sort of operation which will for any reason suddenly need to be done and I bear in mind that the plaintiff has had already an operation on his hip done on the National Health , it seems to me on the probabilities that there is a very strong probability that that operation will be done on the National Health and not done privately and for that reason it does not seem to me right to include any sum in relation to that in the damages .
51 Mr Deputy Speaker it shows it can be done and I hope others will look after the interests of their tax payers as well .
52 More needs to be done and I want to see more focus on this key area of economic policy . ’
53 I had been taught not to cry till I was really hurt , and so it was not until about eleven o'clock I really began to be noticed and I went into the theatre .
54 They 've got to be moved and I it 's , it 's , it 's a tremendous time
55 At the conclusion of which we were both of the view that an armed police operation was necessary and he therefore authorised armed police officers to be used and I was to command the incident .
56 Cos I could n't be bothered and I was n't dressed and it would be going all over to south London .
57 What I had n't expected was the reaction we got here today which is that erm whilst there are smiling dis , he 's smiling now , there are smiling districts who might be pleased to be named as areas in which a major exception might be accommodated and I had n't expected the others would like a bit of it if there was one going too .
58 It is a particularly painful spot to be kicked and I spent some time hopping round the byre and cursing in a fervent whisper .
59 I give due warning that this behaviour will not be tolerated and I will protect members from any unwarranted abuse .
60 The terms of the motion may not be welcome to all hon. Members , but what he has to say deserves to be aired and I hope that the House will ensure that he has an opportunity to make his point today .
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