Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] for most " in BNC.

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1 These auxiliaries may be used when required at the discretion of the individual cataloguer ( unlike DC where specific instructions are given for most applications of the Tables or the ‘ add to ’ device ) .
2 are arranged for most Sundays and in some areas Wednesdays and Thursdays , approx 9.30 am to 4 pm .
3 A phased return of responsibility from the army to the civilian police was begun in 1976 and had been completed for most of the region by early 1977 .
4 Moreover , in contrast to much of Buxtehude , the spaces are occupied for most of the day so that space is not freed for other uses , such as children 's play or adults ' talk .
5 4 million quid for a guy that almost went to jail and has been injured for most of the season
6 He went from house to house dragging two metal ingots and everybody was amazed to see pots , pans , tongs and braziers tumble down from their places and beams creak from the desperation of nails and screws trying to emerge , and even objects that had been lost for a long time appeared from where they had been searched for most and went dragging along in turbulent confusion behind Melquíades ' magical irons .
7 Drawings are prepared for most designs and drawings are protected by copyright as artistic works , irrespective of artistic quality .
8 But then grandiose claims are made for most things you can buy connected with mountaineering .
9 The programme should have been broadcast for most of last month as well .
10 Although no one had been hanged in Ireland since 1954 and capital punishment had been abolished for most categories of murder in 1964 [ see p. 19227 ] , it had been nominally retained for those categories specified above .
11 Enrolment forms are preprinted for most students before enrolment each autumn .
12 Football has been transformed for most of those who follow it from a Saturday afternoon activity in all weathers to a Saturday night home entertainment .
13 The other eye had been closed for most of the fight by a left hook that had caused a large amount of swelling both above and below the brow .
14 A ley can really only be said to be confirmed if it has been walked for most of its length .
15 Both teams 's lack of scoring power always threatened a goalless draw and there was little to suggest the deadlock would be broken for most of the match .
16 They have the advantage that they can be calculated for most countries in the world .
17 Even for severely ill patients a good long term outlook can be expected for most of those undergoing transplantation ; the overall survival of 70% at a mean of 69 months for those discharged from hospital after such an operation compares favourably with the long term results of cardiac transplantation worldwide .
18 Daily grooming is to be recommended for most breeds , and it can be helpful to allow a puppy to become used to the sensation , even though its coat will probably need less attention than that of an adult dog .
19 It seemed inevitable that application for export licences would be made for most of these , given the unlikelihood of purchase within Britain .
20 Simon thought it sensible and practical ‘ which is more than can be said for most of their gimmicks , but ’ he warned her , ‘ if they like it they 'll take it over as their own .
21 Thereafter 3 sets of 10 repetitions should be used for most exercises in all routines .
22 Alternatively , an internal ISDN card can be used for most desktop computers .
23 It is a method of behaviour control that can be used for most forms of behaviour management except where the children are being destructive or likely to hurt someone else or themselves .
24 It is just a question of knowing when to use it : not , I would think , for food , or , usually , cosmetics ; but illustration appears to be more successful than photography for fashion , and it can clearly be used for most other types of product .
25 However , development work with social workers produced an analysis of these concepts which suggested they could both be encompassed for most people by the following factors :
26 They used their own judgment about how much threat would be involved for most people in those circumstances .
27 Meanwhile , the most useful descriptions remain a combination of the ‘ traditional ’ social grades , plus the other demographics ( age , sex , etc. ) plus media exposure ( which can be obtained for most products and many individual brands from the Target Group Index ) , plus any other relevant information about their behaviour in relation to the product concerned .
28 The amendments provided in particular ( i ) that the word " Socialist " should be removed from the Croatian republic 's name , leaving it as the Republic of Croatia , and that a new flag and coat of arms should be devised ; ( ii ) that the Cyrillic alphabet , still the main medium for the 600,000 Serbs in Croatia ( 4.5 per cent of the republic 's population ) , should be derecognized for most purposes , except in those areas where a majority still used it ; and ( iii ) that the presidency of the republic should be replaced by a new system involving a president and six vice-presidents , while the executive council of the republic should be redesignated as its government .
29 Will special instructions be required for most of the staff , in order that the materials can be fully utilised , or will it be the ‘ toy of one or two people ; or will it lie dormant in a cupboard until someone revives interest in it ?
30 Removable covers can be purchased for most of the lounge suites on offer .
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