Example sentences of "[be] [noun prp] [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only witnesses had been Sarah 's stepmother , and an ecclesiastic colleague who envied him his good fortune .
2 Young batting ace Arran Roberts is still doubtful following a leg operation while Hefin Lewis and Quasim Ijaz are Bangor 's danger men .
3 It had been Dalrymple 's idea to require the clan chiefs to take the oath of allegiance and it became obvious that he had hoped for an opportunity to punish one clan as an example to the others .
4 Had it been Dierdriu 's son ?
5 The other species are Commerson 's dolphin .
6 Manager Ron Atkinson agreed : ‘ Goals are Dean 's lifeblood .
7 Through Alumni support staff based at Henley , the Network encourages the development of National Associations in countries where there are Henley students/ members .
8 The trials to select the Great Britain under 20 water polo squad are at Sheffield this weekend and among those invited are Middlesbrough 's Paul Floyd and Lee Cooke .
9 She had been Kettering 's wife , the letter was hers and sometime , perhaps , she would have to open it .
10 Rogan , who has been Sunderland 's discovery of the season since being switched to the centre of defence by Crosby three months after his £350,000 transfer from Celtic , reverted to left back in the 2–2 draw at Brighton , when his first goal for the club salvaged a priceless point .
11 Preventive work with gay men ( 80 per cent of the HIV unit 's client workload ) , ethnic groups , and school children are Boyce 's priority .
12 I do n't know how I turned invisible — it must have been Fincara 's spell going wrong .
13 Here , then , are NME 's fave 40 TV shows from the last 40 years .
14 It seems to have been Moscow 's need to counter a challenge from Beijing which prompted the next Soviet commitment to Cuba .
15 One of the attractions of the first book had been Minton 's delight in the shape of things — fish , bowls , tureens , vegetables , fruit , octopus , squid and elaborate sweets .
16 He had been painted in wonderful Afghan clothes , a tunic and turban of deep blue and red embroidered with gold , clothes he had brought back from the exploits during which he had found Charlotte , the fabulous exploits that had been Alexandra 's bedtime stories every night , every single night in childhood , haunting her sleep with nightmares of cruelty and savagery in wild , barbaric places .
17 He had been Felix 's friend since 1938 .
18 And what are Swindon 's chances in the Premier League without him .
19 I ferried and drove to Great Neck one weekend to see Maggie , an old friend from the Sixties , who 'd been through three husbands and several transformations since we 'd first been King 's Road freaks together .
20 Among the most important early sources are Fitzherbert 's Abridgment ( 1516 ) and Coke 's Institutes of the Law of England ( 1628-1644 ) .
21 Among more recent writing on knowledge and the school curriculum , two of the most interesting examples are Hirst 's discussion of ‘ forms of knowledge ’ and Phenix 's ‘ realms of meaning .
22 Lorton was in the room which had been Arabella 's studio .
23 Hartnoll , 53 , has been Grampian 's director since 1978 and ADSW secretary for five years .
24 Also affected are NCR 's Rancho Bernardo engineering and manufacturing base and its Torrey Pines development centre , and Teradata 's Sharebase manufacturing site .
25 She had been Patrick 's housekeeper for fourteen years , through his brief and disastrous marriage , through his long and complicated liaison with a woman who had left a year ago , telling Ella that there was no point in waiting any longer for Patrick to marry her .
26 Yes , it had been Edwin 's turn for fire watching in Farringdon Street , but his wife was having a baby so Ivor Gundry , one of our best scholars , from Bridport in Dorset , had volunteered to take his place .
27 ‘ I am Luce 's lover .
28 If I were to get carried away with desire for your beautiful body the remembrance that you are Garry 's woman would act as a cold shower . ’
29 Kate 's day out had always been Nicandra 's day for experiments made to please , and sometimes to displease , Andrew .
30 Müncheberg 's second victim crashed near a crossroads at Wardia with the pilot apparently dead ; this may have been Mortimer 's aircraft .
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