Example sentences of "[be] [adv] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As I say , I would like you to be in fairly close proximity to where I am so that you can see what I 'm doing and hear what I 'm saying .
2 And , as always , telling us where you are so that we can keep sending you our mailings and the next edition of The Birmingham Magazine .
3 What I would like is for all the Councillors to look at this , to advise me which other seats they think are indeed the responsibility of and then I 'll go back and go to battle but er I 'd like everybody 's views on which ones they believe they are so that I can do it firmly .
4 I did , you 'll have to forgive me , I mean I think for the sake of those who were not at the meeting erm what we should really say is that actually said that he wanted to hear what kind of a parish we are so that he could attempt to match the , the incoming priest with you know the need of the parish .
5 And although you 're right that they 've been selling flowers for a long time , they underwent a massive re-fit recently .
6 ‘ She was a dream I held dear , but ‘ t is the woman you are now that I love — sweet and true and courageous . ’
7 As soon as I can I will tell you when this might be so that we can fix up a time .
8 It is very important that all of us learn what our individual specific response to stress may be so that we might learn to respond to this signal early on .
9 What we 're actually doing in terms of the product is we 're actually widening the franchise erm I do n't like to use words going up market that suggests that we 're leaving our core customers behind , we will we will add any product that is complimentary to our core kitchens but er we 'll still be the main stance of the product in these two stores for instance , we 're going to introduce a house wear department it is something that we 've been experimenting with before we 're going to erm use the opportunity to widen the franchise on appliances we 're going to erm use the an experiment on erm floorings to match work tops , those kind of developments just to test to see whether the customer reaction is as good as we hoped it would be so that we can then introduce it in the main chain
10 He concluded : ‘ It seems to me that the only purpose the FBI has in proposing such a law would be so that it can make telephone taps without the cooperation of the telephone company … in other words , what they are asking for is the ability to make warrant-less taps . ’
11 Reality Therapy involves confronting the sufferer with the reality of life as perceived by others and helping him or her gradually to change the perception of how life should be so that it comes nearer to how life actually is .
12 At the present time , as we have described , the problem with daytime sleep is believed to be only that it is too short .
13 If scio was not thought adequate at classical law , the reason can be only that it did not make sufficiently clear that the testator intended a trustee to be legally obliged to make property over to a beneficiary .
14 It relatively seldom results in marital breakdown nowadays , even when it is discovered by the partner ; and even the temporary trauma induced by the discovery seems to be less that it was once ( there is no real proof of this , nor in the other direction — I base the comment mainly on people 's expressed attitudes ) .
15 ‘ It might be just that he 's one of their flock . ’
16 How long ago would it be now that you had it all done ?
17 This is how it would often be now that she had cast off in her own little ship of independence .
18 Taking a slow , deliberate breath to calm the surge of temper , Fran tried to relax , but it was surprising how unsettling the familiar night sounds could be now that she was alone .
19 About what Margrida d'Arcos 's opinion of her might be now that she knew she had indulged in apparently frivolous love with her son .
20 We have already seen that failure satisfactorily to surmount the Oedipus complex results in pre-Oedipal fixations , notably at the anal and oral stages , and it may be here that we can find the primitive , rudimentary superego elements which can , and indeed must , remain when the mature superego does not develop .
21 Since it took so long for Dobson finally to take over in Macclesfield , it may be either that he returned to Stockport as Master from some period or that the Goldsmiths forgot that they had appointed Escolmbe , or that Escolmbe himself never took up his duties .
22 The objectives are surely that we do the Liberal Democrats some real good , both nationally and in this area , in the longer term as well as for next June .
23 . There has n't been one game we 've been there that he has n't or both of them have n't .
24 It must have been then that I was blown up by the land-mine , which may well have knocked out Private Prescott as well . ’
25 She realizes that she is as yet too selfish to be truly creative and puts off her artistic endeavours for the time being so that she can first learn the more humble task of interpretation .
26 We sought to find out what these were so that we could consider the points raised and respond to them .
27 It was declared the best policy was for the ‘ sent down ’ youth to remain where they were so that they could make their valuable contribution to the motherland on the ‘ agricultural front ’ , as in previous decades .
28 Firstly , nobody , but nobody would want to levy charges until it was a last resort , but if the alternative to levying those charges were perhaps that we had to cut the staffing levels in those adult training centres , then you get a different answer to the question , and I had a meeting about four weeks ago with the heads of some of our centres who 've been asking parents and carers that question .
29 No , well I mean , it were n't as though I had n't put a payment in it were just that it probably was this taking Tracey 's book and I marked it onto Tracey 's , er , Tracey 's book .
30 ‘ If it were simply that it would hardly be convincing , would it ? ’
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