Example sentences of "[be] [adv] take as " in BNC.

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1 1Off — the verses which are usually taken as belonging to the Priestly strand of the Bible — that we first find mention of the covenantal aspects of circumcision :
2 The Greeks — who are usually taken as founders of the Western philosophical tradition — conceptualised the universe in terms of various ‘ binary oppositions ’ , that is , either/or dichotomies .
3 Nevertheless , skaldic verses are usually taken as authentic works of the poets to whom they are attributed , although their original order is frequently unclear , and manuscript variations sometimes call the correct reading of individual words into question .
4 Deviant motivations , for example , are still taken as given ; it is conformity rather than deviance that remains problematic .
5 In our rapidly vanishing century , decades are also taken as periods of time to be commemorated .
6 The inhabitants of the outside world exist for the social actor not as persons whom he knows on an individualised basis , but as social types ( like mechanics or planners ) , or indistinguishable collectivities of persons ( like bureaucrats , Tories or Dinka ) The rules and conditions coming from the outside which in some way affect him are simply taken as given .
7 That film is generally taken as marking a shift in Ealing 's focus from the sources of energy to the forces of repression .
8 Some chloride may come from natural sources , with occasionally large amounts from salt-bearing rock strata , but its presence is usually taken as indicating sewage contamination of the supply .
9 Erm group think is usually taken as negative .
10 Speaking of metronome markings , it 's 40 to the crotchet , and it 's usually taken as 40 to the dotted minim , in short about three times faster , because no one believes the music 's supposed to go so slow .
11 Although donors may be asked to donate for a patient not in the UK the bone marrow is still taken as stated before and the collected marrow sent to the patient .
12 Still , he was ‘ absolutely very aware ’ that ‘ bisexual ’ is often taken as some strange pop-code for ‘ gay ’ and is keen to point out that , as it happens , he is indeed bisexual .
13 Thus aggression is often taken as synonymous with violence ; violent behaviour being taken as proof of the existence of an inner state called aggression .
14 The role of pension funds in this outflow is often taken as indicative for , since the mid-1960s , pension funds have become the main channel for employees ' long-term savings and their overseas investment is sometimes seen as a ‘ diversion ’ of savings that could otherwise have been used to finance productive investment in British industry .
15 Thus we find in the tradition of observational analysis ( which in Britain and America is often taken as sociology tout court ) a developing interest in cultural institutions at that point when , through actual social developments in the modern press , cinema and broadcasting , there were major institutions and their products which could be studied by already generally available methods .
16 Within Julius Caesar Antony 's claim at the play 's conclusion that ‘ this was the noblest Roman of them all ’ is frequently taken as some type of authentic commentary on Brutus and becomes the focus for critical exploration into Brutus 's character .
17 Or alternatively the new situation is completely ignored and the time-space mesh contracted to such a degree that landform is almost taken as read and interest is , instead , directed at hydrological matters relating to the transmission of water and sediment across land-surfaces which look increasingly like the isotropic ones of human geographers .
18 ‘ Legal theory ’ is sometimes taken as being synonymous with ‘ jurisprudence ’ and is sometimes regarded as concerning itself with a narrower range of questions — in particular , What is the nature of law ?
19 In the art world , if not in mainstream media and media theory , the hardware is seldom taken as given .
20 Its judgment as published on March 3 stated that the matter hinged on the " real and substantial risk to the life of the mother " ; this was widely taken as referring to the possibility of suicide .
21 It was still taken as self-evident in even the most up-to-date fiction that being in love normally had only one outcome , marriage .
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