Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [v-ing] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly with voluntary bodies , and I know that this was discussed at length in the P A G , but will be of interest to members , increasingly with voluntary bodies , we are moving towards er , jointly providing services with them , in a partnership arrangement where we are effectively purchasing and commissioning services from them , and that is the way we would wish the policy to go .
2 But I ca n't accept the argument that because you make provision to deal by law as well as by practice with the situations where things have got to that point in order to safeguard children , that you are thereby saying that you are going to take more children from their parents !
3 The humans are slowly dying because of the radioactive dust caused by a human war .
4 Too often business has been inward looking and has not been sufficiently rigorous in pursuing the question of who needs to know of changes in its practices and needs .
5 They are constantly touring and have enjoyed concert hall acclaim in Australia , America and Canada as well as the UK .
6 They think they have to win to gain self-esteem , in other words they do n't value themselves highly unless they are constantly winning or one up on other people .
7 ‘ But the Federal Communications Commission has recognised that mirror equivalence is an entirely unrealistic standard because telecommunications systems , markets and regulatory regimes are constantly evolving and can not be identical . ’
8 ‘ As an actor , though you sometimes get a feeling you have done something well , you have to wait to hear — from an audience 's silence — whether you have held them in the palm of your hand ; you are constantly measuring whether the feeling you have inside is endorsed by the people outside .
9 The external factors affecting your business are constantly changing and you have in order to survive to adapt to these external changes .
10 Ideas about baby feeding and weaning are constantly changing and actual practice can have a profound effect on child health .
11 ‘ They are obviously regretting that they let her start the paper round , but there seemed to be no reason for them to object to it . ’
12 The flowers , appearing in late summer , are long lasting and may be dried for indoor display .
13 I am only suggesting that you take a little time off , shall we say , until you are quite well again ? "
14 I am only guessing because we do not talk about things like that .
15 I think I am only saying that anyone who has followed the history of this controversy over the last twenty years will already see reason to think that the friction produced by quarrelling among good causes is enormous and it is a luxury that we simply can not afford .
16 view is that one hopes that my hopes are that of the direct report you er worked for erm is equal and competent and is erm in a sense courageous and brave and that they realize that sometimes to get the best results you have to do things which are perhaps challenging and orthodox
17 Secrecy and restrictions on communication between scientists and engineers are so stultifying that many reportedly are discouraged from undertaking defence work .
18 We also need Government investment to back up the youth services , teachers and parents so that the next generation of youngsters does not include a minority whose self-discipline , self-esteem and respect for their own future are so lacking that they get kicks from racing stolen cars or lobbing bottles at the police .
19 Their calls are also very intricate , and the sounds of some of them , the young , sexually mature humpback males , are so haunting that they have become a best-selling record .
20 For many of these , memories of the country are so haunting that the real world has lost is charm .
21 The children become spoiled and materialistic in their attitudes and parents complain that they are so demanding and never satisfied .
22 And in Bosnia-Herzegovina journalists continue to work in circumstances which are so threatening that most foreign correspondents covering the conflict have fled .
23 She is my responsibility and I am merely suggesting that you may want to go home .
24 I do not wish to convey a sense of complacency ; I am merely saying that the Northern Ireland economy has done very much better in the latest recession — and would have done better still had it not been for the appalling IRA atrocities that make inward investment so difficult .
25 I am merely arguing that the role in science attributed to observation statements by the inductivist is incorrect .
26 Many early pigments are naturally occurring and brightly coloured minerals , usually metal salts , and often only minute traces remain .
27 These fish are naturally shoaling and like plenty of space .
28 UNDERSTANDABLY there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over the demise of West Malling ( West Malling Lament , October issue , et al ) but I am amazed that the people most affected by its loss made no attempt to save it from destruction .
29 The first priority was to re-establish the team unity that had been allowed to dwindle , with the result that there had been much arguing and bickering The old inter-island rivalries that Worrell had eradicated had surfaced again , and he knew the team would accomplish little until these disappeared .
30 Until she was sixteen they had been constantly moving and there had never been anyone left behind to pass on her address .
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