Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Visualizing your opponent as he really is , without his fearsome trappings , is not easy ; and concentrating the mind , to allow you to visualize , is also an acquired skill ; but both concentration and visualization are widely taught techniques which can be mastered with practice .
2 Migrants are widely termed Zigeuner ( gypsy ) , Lumpenpack ( rag-pack ) , Kameltreiber ( camel rider ) , Zitronen-schuttler ( lemon squeezer ) , or Schlangenfresser ( snake eater ) .
3 It does , however , deal with those congregations which are loosely termed chaplaincies , where worship is provided chiefly for members of an institution or organisation of some kind .
4 They are loosely termed I-Control , I-Pursue , I-Explore and I-Preserve .
5 As a result , many who are genuinely aggrieved by apparently unlawful decisions by government bodies and public officials are effectively denied access to justice .
6 These packets are properly called pillows , and the lavas pillow lavas .
7 This presupposes that pieces are not too long and that they are properly rehearsed set-pieces rather than the meaningless meanderings which too often pass for improvisation .
8 Their brains are delicately tuned packages of miniaturized electronic wizardry , programmed with the elaborate software necessary to decode a world of echoes in real time .
9 There are commercially produced alternatives , such as pig or mechanical valves , but the natural human valve is best for many adults and is ideally suited for children .
10 There are commercially produced stands or easels to hold the papers , but a home-made version is cheap and easily stored .
11 Another difference Walker found was that untried prisoners , who can be held for up to a year , are rarely allowed visits .
12 Their lives are rarely laid side by side for comparison with those of working women — women like Shahida or Prabhaben ( Chapter 7 ) who work all day in laundries , component factories and sweat-shops ‘ till my feet are like bricks and my arms aching … at night it used to be agony till I fell asleep . ’
13 There was no immediate sign of an answer , but after Creggan had given up any hope of a reply and was looking at the path lights beginning to come on in the Park outside the Zoo there was a subtle shift of talons in Slorne 's cage , a gentle shift of wings , the swiftest of meek glances , and Creggan , too late to catch the look full on , yet sensed that in her mute way Slorne was saying ‘ Yes , oh yes , you were right to predict her return ’ This knowledge that another eagle there believed his prediction had been right gave Creggan comfort in those first weeks in the Cages .
14 There are other reasons why women are unable to build up sufficient National Insurance contributions and are thereby denied access to unemployment benefit .
15 A sacrifice of analytical rigour may not be that important if the concept which has been thereby given life is never used , and it is clear from Lord Greene M.R 's judgment in the Wednesbury case that he conceived of it being utilised only in the extreme ( and hypothetical ) instance of ‘ dismissal for red hair type of case . ’
16 Also For Sale within the Mill Garden are Locally Grown Plants & Shrubs .
17 The risks have been somewhat reduced thanks to the 1992 Cheques Act which shifts responsibility to the banks provided all safeguards have been taken .
18 It can only be a matter of time before World Cup , sheep-racing and World Cup bog-snorkelling are much loved fixtures in the sporting calendar .
19 These gums are highly polymerized pentoses that have to be broken down by bacteria , which release nutrients roughly equivalent to the yields from fruits .
20 Some are well prepared and have taken the trouble to find out how to conduct a selection interview , especially if they are highly trained personnel officers .
21 In a system such as the education department where personnel are highly trained professionals perhaps more trust could be placed in ‘ grass roots ’ consultation at earlier stages of developments .
22 Previewed at the Manchester City Art Gallery in the spring , they are highly charged works bluntly tackling the issues of AIDS and the usually hysterical reaction which it engenders in the popular press .
23 There can be no middle class with even those who are highly paid , they are highly paid members of the working class , they 're not middle class .
24 Approximately 60 per cent of the Group 's sales are accounted for by uPVC products and 40 per cent are thermally treated aluminium products .
25 Erm you go back onto the performance guidelines that have been basically imposed citizens charter really at the end of the day .
26 During normal growth , they may acquire defects from distorted internal structure between mosaic crystals , suffer omission defects where grounds of atoms or molecules are missing from lattice sites , have charge displacements ( for example where there are abnormally ionized atoms ) , or undergo mechanical damage such as formation of distorted surfaces and cracks .
27 If there were no tuba in the score , the double basses would be used col arco to help sustain the pedal B ♭ , but with the tuba ( and also , possibly the double bassoon ) present , they are better employed pizzicati to support the rest of the strings .
28 These feelings of community are better termed communion , since they represent a form of community at the level of an individual 's subjective experience or consciousness .
29 Recently , it was found that a mentally handicapped woman in Durham had been wrongly denied benefit for a number of years and that the cumulative total was £25,000 .
30 After R. v. Samuel the police underwent a painful education , as a series of people charged with serious crimes on the basis of admissions went free because they had been wrongly denied access to a solicitor .
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