Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [conj] for " in BNC.

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1 My peers are more tolerant , more willing to accept me for what I am rather than for what I might produce or become in the hierarchy .
2 But the question of what pictures are entirely or for practical purposes Bellini 's own is answered largely by personal taste ; there is therefore a considerable divergence of view .
3 We had been outside the village of El Ouata — we would have been inside but for him .
4 Lord Coulsfield said the sentence would have been longer but for the fact that after the crimes were brought to light , the accused had to wait 15 months for his court appearance .
5 Well we 're , we 're here except for Easter .
6 A year ago Chloe was a pretty little girl and she would be now but for this man , eighteen year old Jason Levy .
7 Surely you realised I would hardly be here but for some catastrophe .
8 Thanks for your letter — but it is not a separate flat we let , it is our ( untidy ) home , and in saying ‘ you could have the flat if we are away ’ , I meant that my husband , the owner , is happy for you two ( ie you and your husband ) to be here if for some unlikely reason we are unexpectedly away at that time .
9 She could n't guess why Sandra Kettering in her detailed instructions had arranged for her to be there and for that mistake to be made .
10 Now some clubs are quite happy for an ad to be there and for the golf club name to be there .
11 And so she settled down quietly into our family life for over a year , until one of the aunts , Aunt Kate , came to see us , and after that there was talk between our parents — children always know these things , having good ears — about it perhaps being best now for Grandma to be going back to her little house in Hampshire .
12 The displays were exactly as for the vertical symmetry task , except that the monitor was rotated 90° clockwise .
13 Erm , for those of you , and it seems to me that there 's not many people been upstairs and collected these things , but this er motion is covered by two G M B documents that are upstairs and for the people to catch with us .
14 Well that 's basically and for the people who are just buying an odd box .
15 If a circular cylinder of orthotropic symmetry is used with axis along 3 , the apparent shear modulus to insert in Equation ( 5.3 ) is so that for this geometry a unique value for is unobtainable .
16 Conversation at table is as superfluous as a sermon in church ; all is still but for the ping of the latest microwave masterpiece .
17 There are few other references to Drumcree in early documents and this is possibly because for certain periods it was absorbed in Kilmore .
18 The best known of such a transformation is probably that for turning Celsius temperature into Fahrenheit where F=32+9/70C , or , for another example , a conversion formula for turning imperial weights into metric ones .
19 There are also independent traditions in the Cyclades and East Greece ; but the central line of vase-painting is now and for many years to come in Athens .
20 That 's tomorrow but for now , from all of us here have a good evening .
21 The lecturer can point to objects , diagrams etc. and the context of the lecture means that he or she does not need to make explicit statements about why everyone is there and for what .
22 Instead , however , we rely on the courts to review managerial decisions as a means of double checking that the directors are acting professionally ( that is impersonally and for ends related to that of their organization ) .
23 The difference in costs between the sexes was less than for items except in the 65–84 groups , in which prescriptions for men were more expensive .
24 A spokesman for North Wales Police said it was at least heartening to note that the rate of increase of vehicle crime up to June this year was less than for the previous 12 months .
25 The procedure was exactly as for Experiment 1 except condition C was to point at a target using the non-preferred hand while wearing prisms , rather than pointing at an auditory target .
26 The world of the Zoo seemed to move without any noise at all and around the Cages all was still but for the visitor Creggan had attacked , who swayed back and forth where he sat on the ground , others gathered around him .
27 It has been the cutting of a cord that was instantly and for ever knotted again inextricably . ’
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