Example sentences of "[be] [noun pl] when [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are times when photography by women becomes women 's photography , a close bonding of consciousness , an awareness , not of feminist issues , but of a precise and finite condition of being .
2 They confound you because there are times when conditions are compatible only to a warm bed yet you end the day with a netful of fish .
3 Then there are times when conditions are so ideal you would almost expect to catch fish on a baitless hook , but the net remains idle .
4 There are times when conditions develop which can not readily be related to known disease conditions .
5 There are times when Chancellors are right to fuss with mini-measures , and there are times when they need to make an instant impact .
6 Inevitably , there are times when professionals disagree among themselves .
7 ‘ There are times when women have a place in a man 's life , ’ he admitted gruffly .
8 There are times when parents get so angry with their children that they are in danger of losing their self-control .
9 Now there are times when Jesus actually sat down with his disciples afterwards and explained to them what the parable was about and there was a reason for that , it was because , simply , the folk would not have understood it .
10 There are times when making a certain promise ( say to look after a friend 's child if the friend dies before the child comes of age ) are morally worthwhile but where one does not have an obligation to make them ( remember that in this example too one may find other adequate ways to help one 's friend ) .
11 There are times when making language function effectively is more important than producing perfectly pronounced , grammatically correct sentences .
12 There are times when public opinion is n't the best way to decide a technical issue , but in this case the harm done would be minimal .
13 THERE are times when life not only kicks you in the teeth , but follows up with the knee in the groin and the rabbit punch to the back of the neck as well .
14 Even in the best run schools there are times when children , staff , parents and neighbours do n't receive the quality of service that they feel they deserve .
15 There are times when prejudice only contributes to conflict in the narrow band of outlook and experience where that prejudice exists .
16 Conversely , there are times when readers do have rights to affect written discourse .
17 There are times when mistakes are made in school and things go wrong : children blamed for things they did n't do , events may be cancelled at short notice , cardigans and coats lost or , even worse , end up in the toilet bowl .
18 There are times when people are in need , and that 's fine , but the problem in this parish is not the people in need not being supplied , the problem is that people are , are simply receiving what they wish to receive and not actually making very much contribution .
19 Because its period is not much more than a month shorter than a year , there are times when maxima occur with Mira too close to the Sun to be seen .
20 This is fine in most cases , but there are times when averaging is less than ideal .
21 There are times when attacks on the lesbian and gay communities seem very clearly to be an attempted stirring-up of popular hatred as a diversion of attention from society 's real problems , and times when the readiness of the government to pander to that hatred looks even more sinister .
22 There are times when Time itself pauses .
23 Clearly there are times when information at one level can and does guide the interpretation of a lower-level unit .
24 My Lords , I think I made it perfectly clear what I did mean er I did qualify it by saying that of course there are times when patients do have to wait on trolleys for diagnostic purposes , for observation and for other reasons er but once an admission has been agreed , then that patient should be admitted , that is our policy and that is what we 're working towards .
25 There are times when items of special interest must take precedence over any schedule .
26 I was trained as a scientist , and there are times when science matters more than the individual .
27 There are times when barbel are so preoccupied with whatever business they have at hand , whether it be feeding , spawning , or just browsing , you can stand on the river 's edge right over the top of them and watch them without them taking fright and scurrying off .
28 However , there are times when oil painting is impractical .
29 Between 1370 and 1500 there is only one case of a father and son both being aldermen , William Reynwell ( 1397–1403 ) and his son John ( 1416–45 ) ( 104 , pp.363–4 ) , although there are cases when brothers or cousins both held office .
30 It may evoke nostalgia now , or appear quaintly naïve , but there have been periods when crime and disorder seemed soluble , if not yet totally vanished , problems .
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