Example sentences of "[be] [adj] i have " in BNC.

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1 If my financial researches are right I have to say the most likely suspect for that particular activity is Wheeler . ’
2 I am sorry I have been so long in replying but I only got your letter two days ago .
3 WILLIAMS : I am sorry I have incurred your displeasure and the more as I have been told by Lady Jones that you had a more honourable view than at first was apprehended .
4 I am sorry I have not been up to see you but , as you know , I have no job and therefore no income and no car , so life is both difficult and cold ( as I can not keep the heating on at home all day ) .
5 ‘ Oh , no , thank you , but I am afraid I have to hurry home . ’
6 Although , when he had got it off his chest , he confessed that ‘ I am afraid I have been rather carried away ’ .
7 ‘ I am afraid I have come to the conclusion , reluctantly , that the different people and races of the world were never intended to meet .
8 I am afraid I have some bad news for you .
9 JEWKES : [ to PAMELA ] Give me leave , madam , to wish you all manner of happiness but I am afraid I have too well obeyed his honour to be forgiven by you .
10 ‘ If you 're interested I have a job for you , ’ she said shortly .
11 When , unwillingly , she did , he smiled and remarked , ‘ As soon as you 're ready I have a surprise for you . ’
12 ‘ I am glad I have made someone happy .
13 But I know myself and I am confident I have the beating of him . ’
14 The Australian kookaburra has a very distinctive call , which I am sure I have heard on the soundtracks of films from other locations in Africa , South America or the Florida Everglades .
15 ‘ As far as I am concerned I have the perfect man — the best guy in the world .
16 I 'm sorry I have n't called , but I did try …
17 I 'm sorry I have n't written since then , but I 've felt very confused about some things that happened with us and you did n't seem to want to say any more .
19 Okay I 'm sorry I have n't had level three supervision groups before so this is a whole new experience for me
20 Now I 'm sorry I have n't brought an acetate .
21 I 'm sorry I have n't got one with me .
22 I 'm sorry I have to dash off again , but I 'm due at Bartons in thirty minutes .
23 I 'm sorry I have to ask you to say who you are before you speak .
24 yes okay replied to various of your constituents and have conducted a robust discussion on this matter with councillor Jane and recorded in the the Cambridge evening news , I 'm sorry I have n't replied , right .
25 I 'm sorry I have little to report on the Bird front .
26 I 've got a red and a blue , I 'm sorry I have n't got yellow and green
27 the only one who worked full time , they came on Christmas Eve with reluctant , because I said look I 'm sorry but I have to work Christmas Eve lunch time , and they said right we 'll be there at five past one , and I finish at one , there were there at five past one , they finally left two days after Christmas because I said I 'm sorry I have to go back to work today .
28 ‘ I 'm afraid I have none to offer you , Father , ’ Myles said .
29 I 'm afraid I have to suspend my perishables , like bread , cheese , butter and vegetables , from the ceiling in plastic bags or they would get at them .
30 ‘ I 'm afraid I have bad news , ’ said Jackson in a stony voice .
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