Example sentences of "[be] [pers pn] who [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The new world order will be born out of Saddam Hussein 's war or not at all , and the winners will be they who also stand and wait , Germany and Japan .
2 Happy are they who never saw me and yet have found faith . ’
3 ‘ Whoever may be the incumbents of office , it is we who really control the situation . ’
4 It is they who now , by sheer force of numbers and depth of concern , have made politicians all over the world realise the urgency of the environmental crisis .
5 However , before these ‘ middle class ’ witches invite Christians to work with them , it would seem that it is they who really need to ‘ try and understand us and get to know what we believe ’ .
6 It was she who eventually recommended that Laura go to a college she knew of — one where she would find an environment supportive of her experience .
7 In the 1060s and 1070s Sicily fell to the Normans , and it was they who eventually captured Palermo in 1072 .
8 It was they who most resented the contempt of factory management , the humiliation of public examination for venereal diseases , the lack of privacy in the lavatories , the insecurity of their jobs , the degradation of their living quarters .
9 It was he who probably built the tower and rebuilt the chancel from I 185–1214 , this being within the Early English period .
10 He again promised a letter from John Wright , but instead it was he who again wrote at the end of October , ‘ You obviously have n't read my letter carefully . ’
11 All through the bad years , the hungry twenties and thirties , it was he who substantially augmented father 's small wages .
12 It was he who always took extra watches when things were hottest .
13 Chopper Harris , on the other hand , was a dullard who had a big heart where his friends were concerned , and it was he who often stood cups of tea or a pint for his friends .
14 And it was he who originally decreed that all Roman sculptures should be fashioned without noses .
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