Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [coord] to " in BNC.

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1 Its grounds are private and to the west of the lodge the trail leaves the road to cross Kenmure Moss .
2 Formal observation techniques and equipment are designed to reduce this discrepancy to a minimum but the nursing process depends on much more than can be obtained by this means ; therefore it is important for the teacher to have some understanding of the factors that affect the formation of percepts so that she can help the nurse to make accurate judgements where these are possible and to be sufficiently receptive and mentally flexible to consider more than one possible judgement as basis for action .
3 It also provides the context in which to consider both the claim that for the later Foucault knowledge is absolutely determined , leaving him in the impossible situation of requiring something outside this for any prospect of critique , as well as the question of exactly how power and resistance are interdependent and to what extent they are separable .
4 All are interdependent and to a certain extent intermixed .
5 All of these introductions are personal and to the point .
6 This is a potential source of conflict between service staff and managers if the service side feel that supplies are inadequate or to the detriment of patients .
7 My Lords , erm the , the th the most I think perhaps er th th th the Noble Lord , Lor Lord erm referred to my amendments and particularly to Amendment twenty-one which I share with I share certainly share this view with him that that is probably the most important of the ones which is which er I am concerned and to which I put my name and also I do n't think it necessary at this stage to add to my remarks , but I do believe that the that the overwhelming need here is to strengthen the representation of elected erm members on police authorities and to er walk er to tear away from the trend as I see it which is in which is erm the er my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary has written into this Bill of increasing the power of the central Government .
8 It is also important , however , to appreciate when attempts at insertion are in-appropriate and to be able to recognise and manage failure of insertion .
9 However he went on in an important passage to say that if contractual restrictions appear to be unnecessary or to be reasonably capable of enforcement in an oppressive manner then they must be justified before they can be enforced .
10 Mira 's dream is to get away from both this approach to the past and the alternative approach of realist fiction , to found a school of history in which ‘ The highest marks will be given , not to the most correct which will be unverifiable but to the most ingenious ’ ( 21 ) .
11 If your notes are not carefully made , with attention to the techniques that we propose , your knowledge will be unorganised and to that extent ineffective .
12 Because I know when I feel happy I feel quite well ’ , while a 74-year-old farmer 's widow stated ‘ I 've reached the stage now where I say is n't it lovely and good to be alive , seeing all the lovely leaves on the trees , it 's wonderful to be alive and to able to stand and stare ! ’ .
13 The Enterprise Centre 's staff development activities aim to be innovative and to be both proactive and reactive .
14 Honourable but brief mentions must also go to Annie Lennox and Sinead O'Connor , for their uncompromising attitudes , bravery , outspokenness , passionate commitment to their music and because they prove it 's OK to be strong and to be vulnerable .
15 Cut off from the Reich by the Polish Corridor these people felt themselves to be German and to be threatened by the new Polish state .
16 The flow chart is not supposed to be rigid or to be adhered to at all costs ; more a source of guidance and reference and a way of keeping check on the different activities that go on simultaneously as you move towards that special day .
17 In 19 out of the 24 subjects in the table ( right ) , their graduates are more likely to be unemployed or to be in short-term employment only .
18 ‘ When I go to a party I feel there 's an expectation for me to be witty and to be a ‘ party gal ’ , says my friend Alison .
19 Yes , but I think there 's no need to buy computers just to be clever or to be well ahead of your neighbours or your other business friends .
20 Be specific , do n't overdo the praise ( flatter ) , be honest and to the point .
21 What I want , would like to see , and I think is in your interest and the public 's interest is actually to , to not just be responding but to be , to be reactive but to be pro-active , and to be going out onto the streets as it were .
22 I think that the changes in the health service are increasingly being understood to be welcome and to be providing a better health service for the future .
23 Your notes should be brief and to the point .
24 This will depend on the size of the bird — you want it to be comfortable and to be able to move its legs , but you also want to keep an untrained bird under firm control .
25 An order for goods should be factual and to the point .
26 At the same time , the limitations of the data are very apparent , and mean that the answers to these questions must be partial and to some extent speculative , rather than detailed and authoritative .
27 made me laugh cos we 'd gone up to house tonight , he said he was making a real effort to be good and to and he , when he got up to house today he goes I was doing a really gentlemanly thing and saying oh thank you for a really nice evening , I started laughing well what was I supposed to ?
28 To be poor and to be honest , especially with a young girl , is the hardest struggle of all . ’
29 It is no good the Minister , whenever he is found to be wanting and to be wrong , starting to hurl abuse across the Chamber or making allegations that have absolutely no substance .
30 The Government and the forces of law and order have to be seen to be concerned and to be effective .
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