Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 We are sorry to be negative but , quite simply , we just do n't trust you , or rather we do n't think that you yet trust yourself to know exactly what 4oz ( 115g ) of lean meat , 6oz ( 170g ) of fish , 2oz ( 55g ) of carrots , or 4oz ( 115g ) peas really look like .
2 This subject may send shivers down your spine , but you are right to be alarmed , for whether it is the lowly woodworm or the dreaded deathwatch beetle , whether it is dry rot or wet rot , all weaken the structural timbers of a dwelling .
3 The present churches are right to be concerned that many do not give themselves the opportunity to grow in any faith because apathy and false gods have moved into the vacuum that exists instead of a soul .
4 If they are not of God , then we are right to be wary .
5 Do you think people are right to be worried about the additives in our food ?
6 You are right to be concerned about protein levels , but without a very thorough understanding of canine nutritional science , you will end up tying yourself in knots .
7 Professionals are right to be concerned that all children are protected from abuse and neglect .
8 They are right to be cautious .
9 Those in favour of a Europe à la Maastricht are right to be concerned .
10 ‘ You are right to be afraid , ’ Rose Alderley said bracingly .
11 They are right to be so ashamed .
12 We are right to be scrupulous to maintain our system of open justice , to require that people be tried for charges the purport of which is known , and in courts which are open to the public and to the press and can be fully and fairly reported .
13 You are right to be so .
14 It must have been awful to be separated from her children , as she and many other Jamaican mothers were .
15 The budget cuts would mean significant delays in 1990 production of missiles , a handful of which are due to be sold to Britain .
16 The high profile of her press officer Bernard Ingham and his disparaging remarks about Cabinet dissenters or ministers who are due to be sacked have angered some Conservatives .
17 The turbo diesels in the XM and 605 are due to be uprated from 110 to 130bhp .
18 The results of recent behind-the-scenes attempts by Mr Cecil Parkinson , the Transport Secretary , to win extra funds from the Treasury for transport infrastructure are due to be unveiled this week .
19 BY electing new and reform-minded leaders , East Germany 's Communist party hopes to have won a breathing space in its battle for credibility and survival , six months before the first free elections are due to be held .
20 BY electing new and reform-minded leaders , East Germany 's Communist party hopes to have won a breathing space in its battle for credibility and survival , six months before the first free elections are due to be held .
21 STUDENT grants will rise by 7.4 per cent in London and 5 per cent elsewhere in England and Wales in 1990 when loans of up to £460 a year are due to be introduced , the Government announced yesterday .
22 The remaining two one-day internationals are due to be played in Trinidad on Saturday and Sunday .
23 Issues which are due to be redeemed within the next five years registered price gains of around two points .
24 A number of vacancies on the RSC Council and boards are due to be filled at the AGM on 16 July 1992 in London .
25 At the annual general meeting in London on 16 July 1992 vacancies on the Council and some of its boards are due to be filled in accordance with the electoral procedures specified in the By-laws and summarised in the notice .
26 Dutch manure and fertiliser rates are due to be reduced until a 50 mg/litre soil water concentration is achieved at 2m depth , later to be cut to 25 mg/litre .
27 Entries in this year 's competition , ( closing date October 26 ) are due to be judged at the beginning of November .
28 Each manufacturer will build about 50 vehicles which are due to be sold to government agencies .
29 The 1992 accounts are due to be published shortly , and the company has agreed to ‘ provide fuller information about a number of accounting policies ’ , including the background and reasons for a transfer to reserves and the non-depreciation of properties described as leasehold and lease rentals .
30 Ss 54 and 55 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 are due to be brought into force before the end of 1992 , along with supporting Regulations , thus breaking the lawyers ' monopoly in the preparation for payment of papers relating to probate and letters of administration .
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