Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 There are times when Chancellors are right to fuss with mini-measures , and there are times when they need to make an instant impact .
2 Despite the two question marks that I put over the Bill , I believe that the Government are right to proceed with the reforms that it contains .
3 We are right to sympathise with the hon. and learned Member for Leicester West .
4 Its consequence is that grades of both high-performing women and low-performing men are depressed compared with their opposite gender peers .
5 It has been possible to continue with the South African bursaries programme .
6 Plans for this were made some years ago , but it has not been possible to proceed with them ( a ) because of lack of funds , and ( b ) because the personnel department has overall responsibility in all departments of the authority ’ …
7 Miss Metcalfe and her accordion had hardly been adequate to cope with a congregation of some 200 people , so the following year a portable harmonium , played by the Stalling Busk church organist Miss E Leyland , accompanied the singing .
8 Some women in America are prepared to continue with hormone replacement for life .
9 If they are prepared to move with apparent ease into surroundings of this nature , will they equally find no problems by moving into the Wembley Arenas of this world ?
10 apply to the centre where they are enrolled and obtain written confirmation that they are prepared to liaise with and forward examination paper(s) to the selected examination centre .
11 The best business is done with people you know and trust , people who are prepared to co-operate with you and with whom you are prepared to co-operate .
12 In other words , so far as I am concerned , unless and until we are prepared to deal with this demonstrated cause of inflation and want to do so , we are wasting our time ; and as soon as we want to do so , there is no reason to suppose that there will be any problem or therefore any reason for an incomes policy as defined .
13 Although he was convinced that there was conclusive evidence that Japanese intelligence organizations were behind the Vietminh and their revolt , he also said that throughout their handling of the situation the French appeared to lack every vestige of imagination but , ‘ provided the French are prepared to deal with the Annamites as human beings and not as chattels for exploitation as in the past , there is every reason to believe that the leading Annamites will not only listen to them , but will help them … ’
14 As Maria Luisa de Rojas , one of the founding members of AMES explained , many women are frightened of joining an overtly political organization but are prepared to organize with other women around issues which affect them immediately .
15 Most of the children want the railway and are prepared to help with the survey , but a few want things to remain as they are , and they want to organise resistance to the coming of the railway .
16 Shop stewards and staff representatives are prepared to meet with you and Alastair Hanton at your convenience if further discussion is desired .
17 Disintermediation may still occur as customers turn to institutions such as finance houses which , by specializing in longer-term loans , are prepared to operate with less liquidity .
18 Even if the PSBR is reduced , this may be insufficient to prevent the growth of credit , especially if banks are prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio .
19 ‘ We are prepared to work with the police and to provide the information needed to bring the perpetrators of attacks to justice , ’ he says , adding that he would like to see Mr McLean in the hope of building a relationship .
20 Grover : ‘ We are prepared to work with the police ’ OVERNIGHT FILE
21 In the Swedish system teachers are prepared to work with children within particular grades ( 1 to 3 : 4 to 6 : 7 to 9 : gymnasium or high school ) .
22 Specifically , this means provided they are prepared to work with a smaller ratio of balances/ liabilities .
23 Environmentalist groups have criticised the plan , because it still allows some logging in ancient forests , but say they are prepared to work with the Administration to improve it .
24 At the moment they are prepared to work with the political parties in keeping up the momentum December generated , but it 's clear they intend to progress with their agenda whether or not the formal politicians continue to drag their feet .
25 ‘ They would n't have taken 'im even if I 'd been willing to part with 'im , me being a widow .
26 When Bruce was interviewed by the police he said Mrs Knight had been willing to part with her possessions .
27 One thing parents ca n't afford — especially our sort of parent — is that the whisper might be put about that they had been willing to toy with their own children 's safety .
28 The Consul-General 's agents , fresh from England , might not have been prepared to agree with him .
29 The pattern of shopping has also changed in that the shopper has , for most goods , been prepared to dispense with the personal service of the shopkeeper , and self-service and self-selection have been readily accepted in the interests of lower overheads and more competitive prices .
30 It is an experience they have been prepared to share with other communities , and Jim Killeen has spoken against mining at meetings in Westport , Co .
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