Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are solid some of them are n't .
2 And I explained to them it 's because having been unemployed most of my professional life that I 've always been short of money and that 's what 's led me to work on very cheap materials .
3 ‘ Most people are wrong most of the time , ’ he said , with such firmness that she slid him another look , surprised ; he was strong behind his gentleness and hesitancy , she thought — strong in a way that was n't common .
4 We are interested first of all in the question , is the search space in current speech processing such that A* , or indeed any admissible algorithm , behaves like breadth-first search ?
5 The rise and rise of the young conservatives and the ‘ new Right ’ are proof positive of that .
6 They 're convinced some of it 's smuggled in for resale .
7 yeah , oh and they 're brilliant some of them .
8 As long as you 're cheerful most of the time . ’
9 Thus speculative balances are likely first of all to be spent on financial assets which are close substitutes for money , rather than on real assets such as land , buildings , and the like .
10 Conflict theorists emphasise that most areas of our lives involve us in institutionalised power relationships , and most of us are subordinate most of the time .
11 I am not the only person who has had a tumultuous year , and I am immensley proud of the way the British face their problems and so often succeed despite them .
12 These observations are valuable irrespective of Planet X , because planetary ephemerides are needed for other purposes such as spacecraft navigation and pulsar data reduction , and are instrumental in precise tests of theories of gravitation .
13 The Arabian peninsula contains one half of the non-Communist world 's oil reserves , Saudi Arabia 's proven oil reserves are fourfold those of USA and UK together .
14 At another NEW party , there had been present one of the journal 's current gurus , Midrinovic , probably taken up first by Orage , who collected such people ( at one time he was a disciple of Gurdjieff ) .
15 As I can remember very little about the rest of the day I presume that I must have been unconscious most of the time .
16 These DH sites are present upstream of the Ea gene in a variety of transformed cells at different stages of B cell development , but not in non-B cell lines that do not express Class II MHC ( 26 ) .
17 I am sure many of our transport pensioners will remember Guy vehicles ( any stories , photos you may have would be appreciated .
18 Er , the matter which I am sure all of us in this committee are concerned with , is the principle involved , and the principle behind the letting .
19 I am sure one of them would afford you the protection that you seek .
20 ‘ I am sure one of them attached this little blighter to your TV set in the short time you were showing me in .
21 I am sure much of it could be billed and relocated this winter to begin to create a new landscaped edge to the extension .
22 However , my secretary , ex-pupil Peter Vroomking , was to have provided me with a typed list , which has not materialised … on the other hand , Peter has recently been discovering himself as a human being … and I am sure those of you who are still here will wish to join me in congratulating … could somebody stop that door banging ?
23 I am sure thousands of caring Northern Echo readers would like to get one in order to alleviate the horrific suffering of these innocent animals .
24 I am sure some of the guys in my workshop think I am off my trolley .
25 It is awful to think so Elsie I know but I am sure some of them felt cheated when nothing was found .
26 Dr Morgan , by sheer force of personality , got most of the school to sing an oratorio and an opera every year , banging it into us by ear and I am sure most of us could n't sight read .
27 So far as the capitalist , or mixed economy , industrial societies are concerned one of the most important political issues can be posed , I think , by asking : what is the future of the welfare state ?
28 Their political interests , if any , evaporate and , like business men elsewhere , they are concerned most of all to have the status quo maintained and to grant , where useful , co-operation to the authorities .
29 Merthyr Tyfil AA are concerned thousands of fish could die because of continual pollution , particularly from factories .
30 The days are relentlessly hot and long , and the temporeros are hungry most of the time .
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