Example sentences of "[be] [prep] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er and then finally on Mr Thomas , er Mr Thomas erm , a number of occasions has er has referred to these sites in and around the er er urban area , if Mr Thomas would like us to show us a list of those sites , er we will look at them , we 've been through it on a number of occasions , square inch almost by square inch , but I 'd be very interested for Mr Thomas 's list of sites in and around the urban area .
2 He 'd never been through it since the time Barry had locked him in .
3 ‘ Cropper will have been through it with a toothcomb . ’
4 ‘ I 've got broad shoulders and I 've been through it as a player .
5 Firstly , er , I could assure the committee that the working party on provision of secondary and primary places which is published by the education committee , is taking the auditor 's report very seriously , and has been through it in detail , and has er , drawn up a programme of , of analysis , erm , over the next few months , very much taking into account the district auditor 's comments .
6 We 're for it for patriotic reasons .
7 They 're in it for the love of the game .
8 You 're in it with me .
9 Er they are n't but they I think they 're in it on the canvas .
10 And while you 're at it with the bin get yourself a tissue as well , to wipe your nose .
11 Of course if you are against it in principle , that is an end of it ( and there has been no beginning ) .
12 One mate had been into it for a while 'cos he used to go away to sea .
13 There is somebody in that company , who 's probably been with it for nine months , who knows it backwards and who 's capable of playing the role .
14 It is good work , this , Angus , it is bringing the thing home to plenty folk who have only been in it for the furore so far , for the chance to squeeze their girls in the crowd and all that kind of thing .
15 He 's been in it for five years ( only he and Jean Boht have been with the show from the beginning ) and he 's proud of that , he says .
16 Harry : ‘ I 'd have asked them , ‘ This opera , you 've been in it for long time — do you still like it then ? …
17 Nobody 's been in it for ten years .
18 Yes , aye there would be , just the same ladies that have s been in it for years .
19 That , no it 's not Colin he 's been in it for ages now .
20 He has n't been in it for a long time .
21 ‘ I think most of you are in it for what you can get .
22 And there 's another side to that which is that some people in the statutory provision are in it for the money , for their careers , for empire building and so on .
23 For each one I 'd like you to tell me how interested you are in it by choosing an answer from card twenty four .
24 Sunderland wanted £4,000 and their manager , Bob Kyle , said it would be worth it for the twenty goals Buchan was bound to score in his first season at Highbury .
25 If you are not fond enough of a paper to buy it in bulk , it would be worth it for a group of friends or a class to get together and buy a mill pack .
26 Will the event be worth it to them ?
27 The risk would certainly not be worth it to the little ex-scribe .
28 But surely it would be worth it to any corgi worth his or her doggy bone , to be able to play alongside the ultimate corgi-owner — the Queen .
29 Meanwhile , persevere with the psychotherapy — it will be worth it in the end .
30 Sullivan , the parish priest says : ‘ It will be worth it in the end , though I hope there will be an end before too long ’ .
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