Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [art] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Well there you are for the as we have it again now .
2 Yeah but they 're in no as well .
3 so , so even if you 're in the or whatever you know you could still enjoy a meal and so that is about making it special to everyone .
4 it could be sixty , if you 're on a if you 're on a two way traffic right
5 , see I got very pally with old , , we use to play snooker together that 's how I first met him and then we went there , and I never knew he 'd been in the cos I transferred to the R E's you see .
6 But the erm the best thing would then be for the when the these people came round again to listen to the tape ,
7 Ata'i writes that Molla Abdulfettah , having been appointed to the Seyfeddin medrese in Ankara with 50 akce , was dismissed and then restored to that medrese " with [ an ] judgement " ( that is , that the medrese was to be judged to be in the and treated accordingly ) and continues : " His became and , by reason of the esteem [ due to/shown to a ] [ muderris ] , the mouth of his hope smiled . "
8 Er control copy all eight files as they are to the and that should do it ! say on there .
9 So if you were in the and you were forty years of age you were n't safe for going to the to go to the army .
10 In general , these joint muderris/muftiliks seem to have been at the or levels , their holders receiving 50 akce ; but there are instances on the one hand of lower-ranking posts-in about 940/1533–4 , for example , a muderris/mufti of Agras ( Aghrus , also Aghras , now Atabey ) received 30 akce a day , then moved on to become mufti in Ankara ( and probably muderris , although Ata'i does not mention a medrese ) with 40 akce and on the other hand cases , particularly in Amasya , Manisa and Damascus , where the holders received 60 , 80 or even 100 akce a day .
11 But I think it 's time , I think we both agree that the time er well used because it 's for the because your Lordship will have a better understanding of the evidence when the plaintiff and the defendant give it from the witness box .
12 What the hell 's like a or something
13 Er , well there is , there is a there is in every but I do n't know where they main one is sort of like in it , I do n't know where I do n't know where the , the military stock aid is I think they 've just got do n't they ?
14 he 's either up the stairs well he came down one night right enough he was talking to his girl on the phone , she phones him through the week and er he was a bit depressed because he he had n't the money , he 's , he 's on the and he has n't really the money to give in for housekeeping plus try and get driving lessons and his daddy wo n't let him
15 Yes , if I can mention that the is on the and it 's really associated with the government 's intention to raise the er limit of lorries to forty tons by nineteen ninety nine .
16 And er , Margot was behind the and they were painting her house and somebody fell and she had to go and give them artificial respiration or something did n't she ?
17 Yeah , was like the or German 's
18 or was it in erm perhaps it was in the that you got .
19 Well there was er the one who had the most important influence in my school life was Albert Edward , do you remember the printers , he was a teacher and he used to teach standard four , that was your last standard in the junior , and he had a big influence on , on me because er he wanted me to go into the printing trade as an apprentice , but I , me leaving school at thirteen and going into full-time work straight away I could n't do , do that but oh there was er , , he was an officer during the war he was in the and there was oh our , our school teacher , we used to call , we used to call him his name was actually Arthur I think , but he was always , he was a little bit addicted to the lit little whisky bottle , he used to keep a little bottle in his desk and he 'd be having a nip of whisky , but he was what was approximated as a sports master now , he used to look after the football team , we used to call him , I suppose his name was Arthur but his name was .
20 But it was from the but they would n't they 're not allowed see they 're not allowed now see there 's another LAUTRO yeah yeah
21 The washing was on the and the bowl was
22 On the , on the he was on the and it was such a laugh it really was , good laugh .
23 It was across the before I could shout and say come back .
24 Sister Dew scuttled off to her own house , which was at the as yet unfashionable end of the terrace and Mark hurried along the short distance to the vicarage .
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