Example sentences of "[be] [noun sg] of our " in BNC.

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1 But one facet of the Wild West which has never been part of our social scene is surfacing now in cinematographic form .
2 " He was convinced " , wrote Tupper , " that the German man-in-the-street was participating in this senseless and savage struggle because the Prussian system forced him to ; the ordinary subject of the Kaiser might be misled into believing his cause just — but he could not conceive it possible that the German sailormen who had been part of our Merchant Service could have anything but hatred for this catastrophe " .
3 We were the first union in nineteen seventy six to come out with our policy on the then Race Relations Act it 's always been a trade union issue whether it was the trade unions in Germany in the twenties and thirties fighting Hitlerism and Nazi-ism or whether it was the trade unions fighting Moseley and his black shirts in Britain it has always been part of our ideals and principles .
4 This requirement may have been part of our own history too .
5 He told Mr Tebbit : ‘ You have been chairman of our party — and a very successful one — and you know the traditions of our party .
6 The Secretary of State for Education and Science has referred to LEAs ' and schools ' ‘ important responsibility to work towards the promotion of equality of opportunity for the different ethnic groups who are part of our national life ’ .
7 The mentally handicapped are part of our disabled community .
8 Guarantees to you are part of our domestic customer service — there is no direct cost to you .
9 Our bodies are part of our whole makeup and the intimate relationship of marriage needs expression in closeness of body as well as of mind and spirit .
10 As we are part of our own subject matter , we ultimately find ourselves .
11 I think perhaps not if they are part of our mystery . ’
12 Emotions are part of our wholeness .
13 It is these positive examples of what is generally taken to be a negative force that have given rise to such concepts as ‘ white ’ ( i.e. good ) witchcraft ; they are part of our European tradition and lend a certain credence to Margaret Murray 's exaggerated presentation of a satanic underground cult of evil co-existing with orthodox Christianity . ’
14 Commenting on the transactions , Joe Darby , LASMO 's Chief Executive , said today : ‘ These disposals are part of our continuing strategy to reduce debt and gearing and to divest ourselves of peripheral assets when attractive prices can be obtained .
15 ‘ The Fringe Show , our evening classes and our monthly fleamarket are part of our aim to inform the public about the Centre and get them coming in as a starting point for integration .
16 ‘ While partnerships are part of our industry 's culture , we were not even scratching the surface of the benefits that could come from taking traditional relationships many steps further , ’ he said .
17 I include in that the staff of Westminster Strategy who are part of our team .
18 Yeah we have a number of doctors who are part of our distribution er set up , we have people like Brian who 's busily growing his hair back , there are medical exclusions for people who ca n't invert so
19 They said they hoped ‘ the bombings of old buildings , which are part of our heritage and which have enormous potential for tourism , will cease ’ .
20 They are part of our county 's image and I hope people realise that .
21 The skills and disciplines to deliver each of these elements is available in Scotland , but will only be effectively utilised if they are part of our overall tourism strategy under one board and not , as now , with a variety of organisations working in partial isolation , and indeed often in competition .
22 We want them back because they are part of our livelihood .
23 ‘ Poppa says you 're part of our family now .
24 Give us the words to share the good news over all the earth , today and in the coming weeks ; change our lives so that other people can see that You are Lord of our lives , and may be attracted to You .
25 The struggle to recover the sense of relation to nature and to God , the recognition that even the most primitive feelings should be part of our heritage , seems to me to be the explanation and justification of the life of
26 It will not be something that ought to be part of our very definition .
27 Dick Lucas comments : ‘ Such is our work and dignity in Christ , that any task undertaken for our master , however menial , is fit to be part of our service to the Lord of glory ’ ( The Message of Colossians , IVP 1984 ) .
28 AIDS is likely to be part of our world for several decades — even if a cure or vaccine can be developed .
29 If other people like us that 's great … they can be part of our fun … ’
30 Such measures and judgements are themselves , however , imprecise and depend upon political and ideological positions , so they , too , must be part of our object of study .
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