Example sentences of "[be] [noun sg] of [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Until now , the role of the brain regions associated with Alzheimer 's disease has been little understood ; they are part of what for years was called the ‘ substantia innominata ’ ( region without a name ) because it had no known purpose .
2 All these are part of what might be termed the ‘ quality of life ’ and the prisoners ' preoccupation with this vital but ill-defined subject is shared by the Governor , Graham Gregory-Smith .
3 These elements are part of what , in the previous chapter , were described as the context of a speech event .
4 KEYS : ‘ Mark , somewhat distanced from it now , what 's you 're impression of what 's happening at Anfield . ’
5 Back in the good old days Turkey used to be part of what was know as ‘ Asia Minor ’ , or the ‘ Near East ’ , to distinguish its differences from Europe .
6 So impressive are these abstract figures that their creators have travelled the world to be part of what almost amounts to an International Circus of skilled performers , all by invitation and with expenses paid !
7 When the Manchester thing was happening we did ‘ The Beast Inside ’ because we did n't want to be part of what was going on .
8 It 'll be part of what she calls the Seybold Marathon Week , coincident with the Boston Marathon and the Distributed Objects Computing Forum and the Executive Forum which she 'll also run .
9 The inferences are systematic , they are decodable by different interpreters in the same way , and without most of them the exchange can not be understood ; most of them must therefore be part of what is communicated , in Grice 's strict sense of meant-nn .
10 Top lawyer Hillary 's part in her husband 's success was reflected on bumper stickers appearing in Washington carrying the message : ‘ Hillary will be secretary of whatever she damn well wants . ’
11 He added that there had also to be analysis of what was meant by ‘ sustained ’ .
12 There should be clarification of what is meant by ‘ if consultation is impossible … ’
13 T. O. Lloyd points to the queue as a symbol of wartime Britain ‘ and its implicit values — fair shares , peaceful and patient waiting and no advantage for the rich — were part of what the country was fighting for ’ .
14 During these months we found that we were part of what amounts to a movement in Britain today , with churches springing up everywhere .
15 is part of which I think is just ridiculous and will be a nice well meaning democratic tolerant guy in but considering the history of those two countries I rather doubt it erm and I , I think the best way of securing er the safety of that population is actually to change the border before the borders are are fixed and settled and before these countries actually become independent .
16 But that , he wrote , is part of what the big glass itself will try to explore , with its notion of delay .
17 This qualitativeness — the ‘ manifest image of the world ’ — is irreducibly connected with what experience is subjectively like , and it is part of what is lost if consciousness is analysed away or otherwise abandoned .
18 For this is part of what ‘ democracy ’ means , or has come to mean .
19 Much of the alleged wisdom that inheres in institutions and practice is part of what she has regarded as the flabby consensus that dragged the country down .
20 With many relationships the case for self-creation is even stronger , since in them the fact that one chose to have a relationship of a certain kind and chose one 's partner is part of what makes the relationship valuable .
21 We would need their agreement to build houses outside the city boundary and you know that this is part of what the Steering Committee will propose …
22 The endurance of rivers , which is part of what makes them such a potent symbol in our culture , is also precisely the reason why they matter so much to ecologists and scientists .
23 The extreme ultraviolet is part of what physicists call the vacuum ultraviolet , wavelengths shorter than about 200 nanometres which are absorbed by air so strongly that experiments have to be performed in a vacuum .
24 This is part of what makes his eventual faith in God ( which he reaches for other reasons ) a radical reliance on God alone .
25 That stage is part of what is involved in social care planning .
26 The condition of what one says being meaningful is part of what one means .
27 In Zettel , he explicitly denies that the agreement between colour-word-users is part of what is communicated .
28 Although capping salaries is part of what they all want , many owners are convinced that only television can provide a long-term solution to the game 's financial problems .
29 ‘ And picking up things arseways is part of what it 's all about , ’ he continues .
30 ( A ) is part of what is stated by stating that rain is making the balcony wet , or causing the balcony to be wet .
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