Example sentences of "[be] [art] [num ord] day " in BNC.

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1 But for Christians Sunday has been the first day of the week ever since the faith came into being .
2 A general strike brought Kosovo virtually to a standstill on Sept. 3 , and schools were also boycotted on what should have been the first day of a new school year .
3 Erm it must have been the last day , it must have been Friday , must have been Friday .
4 And harder than the first weeks are the first days .
5 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
6 Suppose you knew that this was going to be the last day of your life .
7 ‘ So — is this going to be the last day of my life ? ’
8 It will be the last day of someone 's life , but not yours , I think . ’
9 Pop is hysteria , a neurotic symptom of what may well be the last days of Western capitalism .
10 Edward Pease wrote : ‘ There was considerable stir in Darlington today , this being the first day water was brought into the town from the New Water Works . ’
11 No doubt we were the next day .
12 Perhaps they were the last days before the final eclipse .
13 as if realising that these were the last days of his anonymity , he took to walking the New York streets at night , staring into people 's faces .
14 He had been doing road duty when the first wagons rolled past , with a US Cavalry Escort , and he had looked upon the face of the Josephite leader and known that these were the last days of the world .
15 These were the Last Days , and soon would come the cleansing fire .
16 Those were the last days of that dying dinosaur , male supremacy .
17 Sandy had to play in the PGA Benevolent Society pro-am the next day at Sunningdale .
18 The sentimental message seems to be that it 's never too late to open up , confess and say sorry ( even if you 're dead ) , and once you do everything is OK , everybody gets a second chance in the new kinder , gentler America , tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life etc .
19 For most of the population , it is the first day of the spring holiday .
20 The day I have requested is the first day of the school holidays — Thursday 21st December at 10.45 am .
21 This morning she gives priority to the fact that it is the first day of the winter term , and that she has a lecture to deliver and two tutorials to conduct .
22 WHICH IS THE FIRST day of the week ?
23 No time like the present and anyway it is the first day of Lent . ’
24 As with the Hebrews , Sunday is the first day of the week .
25 Count the first day of your most recent period ( this is the first day of bleeding even if there are only little spots ) as day one .
26 If I say that Wednesday is the first day of the week , they say , ‘ Yes , Sir , you are right ’ .
27 I beg to differ with J Williams ( Letters NI 207 ) that Sunday is the first day of the week .
28 A novice is expected to show the degree of skill exhibited by a junior doctor , even if it is the first day on the job .
29 Today is the first day that tickets are on sale to non-members so its best to ring up and see whats left .
30 When it is the first day , put your hands down while we 're ex while I 'm explaining this , when you say when it 's the first day of any month whether it 's the first of February or the first of April or the first of December , instead of say you say this word you say for the first of the month
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