Example sentences of "[conj] long as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No indeed , ’ Bull O'Malley protested , ‘ yerself and Malachi are welcome to stay as long as ye like . ’
2 A junior Defence Minister attempted to explain that a bomb might easily be planted in a barracks : ‘ Anyone could walk in as long as they were carrying a package which did not look suspicious . ’
3 It implies , of course , that as long as they have the right kind of causal relations , other machines , apart from brains , can possess mentality ; and it also implies that the study of artificial intelligence and computational modelling is the royal road to understanding mentality .
4 Applications will be accepted as long as they are made by 1st October 1991 but your council can chose to set a later date .
5 Unlike wood dyes , varnish stains can be applied to previously coated surfaces , as long as they are clean and free from wax or grease .
6 ‘ Dogs are welcome in here as long as they do n't wee on the carpet , ’ she said .
7 One assistant said : ‘ Dogs are fine , as long as they do n't disgrace themselves ’ .
8 Manageress Jaci Henderson said : ‘ We have no problems as long as they are n't running around , through clothes , making a mess , etc .
9 Barcelona are only two points behind Real and , as long as they stay in contention for the Spanish championship , an obsession last satisfied under Terry Venables in 1985 , the club will have no need to calculate the cost of a pay-off .
10 The Independent Broadcasting Authority has said that groups can team up as long as they have no more than 25 per cent of the total independent television advertising market .
11 The children , as long as they learn to whinge less about the bones , are all set to become nonagenarians .
12 Nearby the sea terns and eider ducks were nesting , the ducks beautifully camouflaged , sitting tight as long as they could , then moving quickly to reveal eggs of a gorgeous sage green looking so warm in their nest of breast feathers that it made me long for the comforts of my sleeping bag .
13 On recounting the tale to a journalist , the victim is asked if he thinks there will ever be an end to this cycle of violence , to which he answers , ‘ No , as long as they keep shitting in our shoes , we 'll keep pissing in their Bovril . ’
14 Often they see their profession as a creative art form , which is fine as long as they recall it is also a service industry . ’
15 As long as they pretend they have no alliance , none of the four needs say a word about the share-buying .
16 Companies with cash to offer will be able to control television stations as long as they pay lip-service to the observance of minimum standards — standards which are wholly inadequate . ’
17 As long as they are disinterested punters rather than caring proprietors , institutional shareholders will tend to take the money and run during takeover bids rather than backing incumbent management .
18 ‘ Does n't matter if they 're still at school , as long as they 're over the age of consent and on the Pill .
19 ‘ Why should terrorists care what it looks like — as long as they get their money , or whatever they 're after ? ’
20 The black and gold stickers are legal as long as they do n't cover the Queen 's head .
21 Quality can be more important than price for bed-and-breakfast customers and there is a demand for more en suite bathrooms as long as they can be fitted without changing the character of the house , and for secluded , self-catering accommodation with a rural character , rather than multiple units .
22 Now I would not ignore hunches , insight or occasional flashes of brilliance that can come from anybody , as long as they do not become a substitute for objectivity and professionalism .
23 And spontaneous ad-libs are great — as long as they 're properly rehearsed .
24 The eucryphias , some of which are deciduous , come from Chile and Tasmania and , although they do best in the milder southern counties as long as they are sheltered from the wind , they thrive as far up country as the Midlands .
25 I 've seen all kinds of horses win around Epsom as long as they are travelling well , ’ Cauthen said .
26 Nevertheless , what may encourage them to hold on as long as they can is the apparent split among the ‘ eight elders ’ over the whole question of reform and opposing Leftism .
27 No matter who wins the toss , and on this occasion it was Cambridge , the visitors invariably bat first and virtually as long as they choose .
28 When tough new laws are announced , it is usually with the refrain ‘ The innocent have nothing to fear , as long as they can prove it ’ .
29 Clearly , there are also people ready to take these jobs at the going rate , and not too discontented as long as they are not the breadwinner in their family , and are thus able to regard their wage as additional to the basic family income .
30 During this ‘ Commonwealth ’ period great liberty was allowed to all religious groups as long as they were basically Protestant .
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