Example sentences of "[conj] rather [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 And we were , how we were gon na combat it , and in the very next room were or rather holding a conference on how to do us in .
2 A bystander at his creation , or rather arriving a few moments after it , would feel justified in assuming that Adam had had a mother , been born and brought up in the usual way , and was in every way like us ; but he would be wrong .
3 But Gallop had doubts , or rather confesses an ambivalence : ‘ But we can not be sure that this radical notion of ‘ heterosexuality' ’ is not just an alibi for the comforting norm' ( pp. 127 — 8 ) .
4 I 've spent a lot of time on this job — or rather wasted a lot of time — it meant a great deal to me . "
5 For an informal dinner party , do n't hide your guests from one another with a giant display but rather use a series of small containers grouped to suit your table shape .
6 In outlining these differences and their bases , the goal has been not just to present some geographical details but rather to exemplify a more general point with regard to the collective organization of survival .
7 Total history seeks to reconstitute the overall form of a society according to some fundamental principle , law , or form , be it metaphysical or material , while general history despite its name is by no means concerned to produce a general theory of history , nor even a cohesive or comprehensive view , but rather to conduct a historical investigation according to particular problems , opening up a field ‘ in which one could describe the singularity of practices , the play of their relations ’ .
8 The chapter entitled ‘ Help from formal services ’ makes sobering reading for service providers , though the aim of the research was not to promote particular policy or practice developments but rather to illuminate a previously neglected field .
9 Thus the shipyards were not ‘ location ally concentrated ’ when they were part of a nationalized structure , but rather represented an example of the ‘ cloning branch plant spatial structure ’ in which there is a separation between head office administration and control and branch administration and control .
10 It is not the intention here to go into great detail on the subject of nutrition , but rather to give a simple guide that may be useful to those who want to make sure that the elderly parent in their care is being properly nourished .
11 Certainly if you have to create anything other than mild pain in order to stop your thoughts you must not continue but rather find an alternative technique of distraction .
12 We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries on that subject , but rather to get a student to think mathematically for himself , to consider matters as an historian does , to take part in the process of knowledge-getting .
13 Not intended to be an in-depth study , but rather to present an interesting view of Fighter Command with a ‘ what it was like ’ aspect , brought out through the input of famous veterans of the force .
14 It is not the responsibility of governments to run the industry of the nation , but rather to provide a stable environment which will allow private capital to create jobs and wealth for the general good .
15 Rather , ‘ the Museum does not intend to sponsor a particular aspect of modern art , but rather to make a report to the public by offering material for study and comparison ’ .
16 It does not provide a comprehensive explanation of every facility offered but rather gives a brief introduction to the most commonly used methods involved in the financial side of exporting .
17 Erm well really it 's just what I said , it 's er roughly speaking it 's when er a string of words does n't have the meaning you 'd expect on the basis of the standard semantics of the language , but rather has a fixed different meaning and whenever there 's any apparent structure in it , I E several words , er , their , their normal meanings are irrelevant which is the meaning of the whole phrase .
18 To this extent it is not especially helpful to see pubs as a category of buildings , but rather to keep a clear distinction in mind between interior and exterior .
19 Neither of these two previous statements implies a restriction on how the drawing can be laid out but rather indicates a preferred order to simplify the mental visualization necessary for the designer .
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