Example sentences of "[conj] these [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The hyperconscious Double Act in which Svidrigailov 's terminal boredom plays opposite the greedy , theoretical self-assertion of Raskolnikov 's wanting ‘ something more ’ than ‘ mere existence ’ , becomes grounded in suicide and murder ; and the Petersburg where these things happen gains a fuzzy-edged documentary aspect which never comes anywhere near dominating the novel , but which is there .
2 The Dewsbury case also focused attention on the difficulties of accommodating the preferences of parents drawn from groups with diverse cultural and religious differences , especially where these interests conflict with the ‘ rights ’ of the state to promote a policy of multicultural education in the interests of racial harmony and integration .
3 Where these attitudes appear together , one can discern vestiges of the original Nazarean position — the position of Jesus himself , of James , Jude and the hierarchy in Jerusalem .
4 Where these materials have to be cleaned methylene chloride is the only chemical option once items are soiled .
5 Where these factors come together a management buy-out is possible .
6 ‘ In schools where these factors combine , pupils are more likely to attend regularly , achieve high performance , be less involved in discipline and respect the rights of others in society . ’
7 Other crabs and certain fish specialise in crushing mollusc shells , and where these predators exist , hermit crabs with the thickest shells are likely to be the safest .
8 We asked Liverpool-based Goldsmith Williams ' solicitor Nina Roland , who writes the Echo Woman Extra 's LE Law column where these women stand when it comes to the question of access .
9 Where these orthogonals converge erosion will be severe : where they diverge it will be minimal .
10 It is suggested that the pack is likely to work best with established groups , where these groups have not previously addressed sensitive personal areas .
11 The fact that other parties respond at just these code switch points suggests that they represent the boundaries of salient categories within the talk — or putting it another way , that they represent the participants ' perceptions of the relevant sections of talk which require or permit a response — even where these boundaries do not correspond with any syntactic boundary .
12 Where there is close liaison between ward teachers and the school of nursing , and where ward experience is part of a planned programme , this information will be available from previous teaching ; but where these conditions do not exist it is necessary for the clinical teacher to carry out her own checks with the students before the teaching can be planned .
13 Where these conditions do not hold , then the preferred levels differ see Fig. 10–3 , for the case of three individuals , h , i , j .
14 Where these conditions do not prevail — as in health care — writing , setting , and enforcing comprehensive contracts which try to predict all contingencies and deal with all possible risks becomes very difficult and costly ( Bartlett 1991 ) .
15 However , the situation immediately becomes more complicated when an attempt is made to determine precisely what language a child is capable of producing , how much a child understands , and , if the child appears to be experiencing difficulties , just where these difficulties lie .
16 Where these changes have been most extensive , the landscape has reflected them .
17 Most of the research is concerned to explore in some detail the response to visually presented sequences of light flashes , where these sequences form patterns .
18 Maggie Bosanquet , spokesman for DEW , said : ‘ We want to know exactly where these people stand on issues which affect the town and the globe . ’
19 Coleridge had fallen asleep reading Purchas His Pilgrim where these words appear :
20 Where these arrangements need the co-operation of one or other of the parties , the court will make an order if necessary to enforce that co-operation .
21 Where these arrangements co-exist with planning agreements for service areas , as at Guy 's Hospital , there is a basis for linking these negotiations with external contracts .
22 ‘ Crude ’ and ‘ loud ’ , according to Eugene Zukor ( in an industry where these traits had to be marked to draw comment ) , he was in frequent conflict with his collaborators .
23 where These solutions derived by Saint-Venant , apply only to small values of and to isotropic materials .
24 Moreover , where these regions have been sampled brecchias are very common .
25 Seeing these fish grow larger and exhibit adult colouration is the next stage of enjoyment .
26 Or these bits stuck together .
27 PC Dave Fishwick of Darlington police said : ‘ Either this man is very well dressed or these ties have been stolen . ’
28 Other relatives and professionals collude in ignoring what they in fact know-that these people have lived together sexually , domestically and financially as if they were married .
29 In the paranoid , anguished silence you surmise , or maybe you were told later , that these heavies have been swindled in some drug deal in the scuzzy wine lodge next door , and that they are out to commit violence against the perpetrator .
30 The Kingman Report recommended that all children at the age of 16 should speak in Standard English , ‘ using their own accents ( provided that these accents do not impair comprehension by other speakers of English ) ’ ( chapter 5 , p. 52 ) .
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