Example sentences of "[conj] just because they " in BNC.

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1 Pat 's job had already brought her into contact with the problems people face when they retire and feel that just because they 've stopped working , they 've dropped out of society .
2 People have to earn your respect and just because they have a big desk , long title or an impressive uniform it does n't mean you should automatically give way to their judgements and decisions .
3 People have to earn your respect and just because they have a big desk , long title or an impressive uniform it does n't mean you should automatically give way to their judgements and decisions .
4 It has always seemed to me that people vote in a new government not because they actually agree with their politics but just because they want a change .
5 Yeah , but just because they 're a rubbish band , does n't mean that they ca n't communicate , and that 's sort of the image that we 're portraying here .
6 Once it is accepted that principles can be part of the law for reasons not reflecting convention but just because they are morally appealing , then a door is opened for the more threatening idea that some principles are part of the law because of their moral appeal , even though they contradict what convention has endorsed .
7 not intimidated but just because they do n't know who we are .
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