Example sentences of "[conj] just [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The big night out … or just a weekend away from it all …
2 I mean , is this your main home , or just a weekend retreat ? ’
3 Do you want tea , or just a drink of juice .
4 The agreement must make it clear who has the right to exercise the power : all the other partners acting unanimously or just a majority ( simple or special ) .
5 Next time , you , your daughter , your grand-daughter or just a neighbour is pregnant , you could think of the thirty-odd years that the NCT has spent safeguarding the interests of parents and babies , and you could get out your cheque book .
6 Super-hip fashion accessory or just a way of keeping the kids out of the amusement arcades ?
7 Another new religion , or just a way of making lots of money ?
8 There has been little previous research into the origins of this group , nor into whether farm management is a career in its own right or just a stepping stone to becoming a tenant or owner-occupier .
9 Some subjects are painful , sensational , controversial or just a bit too exciting .
10 But WAS it art , or just a bit of a damp squib ?
11 Exploring unfamiliar surroundings , learning to relate to other children , letting off steam or just a bit of rough and tumble .
12 If anyone would like to share their story with other readers , whether it 's happy , sad , amusing or just a bit out of the ordinary , then please write to us at the usual address .
13 The elderly do not always want to be on the receiving end , and any gift of food they offer us , whether it is a meal or just a pot of home-made jam , should be accepted with appreciation , for all such gifts are a part of the pattern of love in which they still wish to be involved .
14 NEIL PROSSER , co-owner of four Chipie shops , likes the options the label offers : ‘ You can buy the whole look or just a T-shirt . ’
15 If you 're a school governor or a member of a P T A or just a parent , you must demand that the real facts of life and death are part of sex and hygiene education .
16 Or just a case of survival ?
17 Do you reckon it 's a full time job , or just a part time one ?
18 Easy to reach by road and rail , Sedgemoor is nearer than you think and whatever your needs — a family holiday by the sea — a weekend break in unspoilt countryside — or just a day out , a warm West Country welcome awaits you in Sedgemoor .
19 Come for the week , half the week , or just a day .
20 Short hair or long hair or just a man ?
21 ‘ Is it for real or just a fantasy ?
22 The last three decades of the nineteenth century in Britain were to see a similar move on the part of the working class , desirous of experiencing the benefit of sea air and sea water , the chance of amusement and relaxation from their work , or just a change of scene from the grim tenements and back-to-back houses in which they lived , and the mills and factories in which they toiled .
23 Or just a door ?
24 Or just a trick of the morning light ?
25 For a moment Ruth wondered if he were real or just a ghost .
26 The men who scurried past him , and the increasingly large number of attractive young women , were thinking of commodity prices , buying long or short , or a flicker of movement in the money markets that might be a trend or just a flicker .
27 Well they are , they are very nice , half a pound or just a couple ?
28 ‘ Am I to be a king , or just a pig ? ’
29 ‘ This friction between her and your mother — was it really important or just a manifestation of teenage rebellion ? ’
30 Or just a colleague it does n't have to be someone that 's m just
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