Example sentences of "[conj] only in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If so , ought it to use that weapon in all cases or only in some ; and if only in some , on what principle should it distinguish ?
2 Probably not very often , or only in special circumstances .
3 The extent to which the history of science has been shaped by modern concerns is evident from the fact that only in recent years has the origin of ecology begun to attract much attention .
4 Professor Moule has seized on the fact that only in four places in the whole of the Old Testament does the Spirit seem to be associated with creation of the physical world — and even these four are patient of another interpretation .
5 Overall , the research team concluded that only in one of the five authorities was the information provided really accessible to parents .
6 Finance houses sought to promote business in a responsible manner , recognizing that only in that way would they be promoting profitable business .
7 The scale on which Pound was working was not clear even to the poet himself ; so that the eleven cantos which he originally designated as ‘ preparation of the palette ’ are now by responsible commentators considerably extended — to the extent that the first thirty cantos , which are all that the twenties knew of the poem ( A Draft of XVI Cantos ( Paris , June 1925 ) ; A Draft often Cantos 17–27 ( 100 copies , September 1928 ) ; and A Draft of XXX Cantos ( 210 copies , August 1930 ) ) , are now often regarded as laying out no the painter 's palette the hues that only in subsequent cantos would be combined to polemical and imaginative purpose .
8 The farm work needed to be carefully planned so that only in extreme emergencies did the part-time farmer have to be recalled from his other employment .
9 In 1885 Prussian Oberpräsident Möllendorf , who was widely regarded as pro-Polish , recommended a total ban on the Polish language , saying that only in this way was it possible to force the Poles to appreciate the benevolence and wisdom of German culture and administration .
10 It now seems that only in those cases where there is no identity of interest will the problem of other businesses gaining the benefit of a restrictive covenant be at all important and the courts will not take account of the doctrine of incorporation or of privity of contract if such an identity exists .
11 In that severely limited sense , and only in that , the new anti-Modernism was anti-intellectual .
12 Barth , unlike Brunner and unlike Calvin too , insisted in his mature work on unfolding every aspect of Christian faith in the light of Jesus Christ and only in that light .
13 And only in that way .
14 In the present chapter we shall consider mainly the relations between producers and institutions , and only in that context the question of direct formations .
15 And only in that way will the student gain a measure of personal integrity .
16 My family think I should only eat at meal times , and only in small quantities , but I need more than that — my stomach rumbles all the time between meals .
17 Overt mixing of live action and animation , specifically cartoon animation , does occur , but rarely , and only in certain kinds of fantasy films .
18 It was badly scarred by the ill-fated attempt to acquire Leyland Vehicles and Land Rover , and only in recent times has it begun to reverse its image in Britain as little more than a screwdriver assembler of cars .
19 In the Labour Code , no legal obligation to provide nursery facilities has been included and only in recent years has a clause been added to the effect that the state will regulate the obligation of employers to maintain nurseries ( Art .
20 That does n't necessarily mean biggest , although it requires some critical mass in each country , and only in selected industries in each country ’ Carroll said .
21 Simmel 's definition of culture is premised upon objectification ; he states that ‘ one of the basic capacities of the spirit is to separate itself from itself — to create forms , ideas , values that oppose it , and only in this form to gain consciousness of itself .
22 Chris Fairclough ( last year , and only in this position )
23 Any problems which may subsequently develop can normally be dealt with by discussion over the telephone and only in extreme cases is it necessary for a WISE technician to make a return visit before the end of the programme .
24 The newsagent where the girl worked said last night that both paper boys and girls would now go out in pairs , or with an adult , and only in full daylight .
25 Thus it was not until 1598 that an English account — by the scholar , traveller and self-consciously perfect English gentleman , Fynes Morrison — was actually redolent with patronizing contempt , and only in 1617 that there was a complete hatchet job , when Anthony Weldon accompanied James VI and I to Scotland and found the experience utterly abhorrent .
26 The nature of the distinction , being a matter of identification , is such that it can be expected to make itself felt in attributive position , and only in attributive position .
27 And for the workers there was an actual decline in real wages during the FFYP , and only in 1940 did they recover their 1928 level .
28 The main thrust of the standard is that if a parent controls an undertaking ( the standard includes the new definitions of parent and subsidiary undertaking introduced by the Act ) , it should be consolidated , and only in exceptional circumstances should an undertaking controlled by a parent be excluded .
29 ( 2 ) That the court 's discretionary jurisdiction to stay criminal proceedings should be exercised very sparingly and only in exceptional circumstances ; that , while the longer the delay was the greater was the likelihood that the prosecution was at fault and that the defendant had suffered prejudice and the less the prosecution could explain the delay the easier it would be to infer fault , the question whether the defendant had discharged the heavy burden of demonstrating that it would be an abuse of the process of the court for the proceedings to continue , was to be considered in the light of all the circumstances without applying shifting burdens of proof ; and that , accordingly , since the district judge had correctly taken into account all the relevant factors , and had made no error as to the burden of proof , there were no grounds on which the High Court judge could have reversed the district judge 's decision not to grant a perpetual stay of the 1989 prosecution ( post , pp. 261B , 264E–F , G–H , 265A–B ) .
30 I ca n't believe that the vast majority of serious Munro baggers are n't also keen to explore Quinag , Suilven , Ben Loyal , Arran , etc. etc. , even if only in due course .
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