Example sentences of "[conj] time [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Punctuality is not just a drama school fetish , it 's preparation for a profession where time really does cost money .
2 If you get a chance , watch how things are done at professional yards , where time really does mean money .
3 Using Date or Time unfortunately does n't alter the system clock for good .
4 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
5 Colour Sgt Oram 's Queen 's Gallantry Medal , was awarded after he placed himself in the firing line time and time again saving the lives of others .
6 Professor Brittain , a rather cool , laid-back individual , time and time again manages to ‘ explain ’ numerous scientific topics .
7 As an ex-hurler , he preferred football , but Uncle Mick had dragged him time and time again to see his own beloved New York Giants .
8 Mr Crangle tried time and time again to reason with the Headmaster , but their arguments just became louder and louder .
9 Time and time again Spot refused with Jazz .
10 time and time again has n't it ?
11 Four to six weeks spent post-infarction recuperating from that would appear to be money and time well spent , when considering someone 's life with 20 or 30 years remaining .
12 The Code sets out a timetable for takeovers and certain standards of conduct , in order that all shareholders receive the same information and time enough to act on that information .
13 In personal injury cases the damage caused is usually all too painfully obvious even though its cause was a negligent act or omission many years before ; and time usually runs from the injury and not from the act or omission causing it .
14 If time also gives advantages to the initial winners of a contract , arrangements for the final settlement of terms must not only be flexible , but also able to deal with opportunistic behaviour at the final settlement date .
15 Perhaps the famine — like the plagues of Egypt of old — was sent by God as a warning to England and Ireland to turn from this course while time still offered .
16 At Sheffield Park Garden we have always considered time spent in the production of good compost as time well spent .
17 Every interview is valuable experience and good practice , so look on it as time well spent even if you are not hopeful about the outcome .
18 This ‘ tweedy , rumpled ’ mid-Westerner ( as Time once described him ) was a professor of journalism and advertising .
19 Even when Time Out returned to the stands , those readers tired of the magazine 's ‘ agit-prop ’ news coverage and of film reviews dense with Marxist dialectic , would surely switch to Event .
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