Example sentences of "[conj] then i [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Alright , it may be there fault , but what happens if he fucking get out of control or then I can I always try and do it now , if somebody wants to act like a cunt , let them !
2 The best thing to do because having said that then I might say Mike what 's your opinion what was important to you and and pass it on ?
3 We 'll give it your one more day and then I 'll go and plague someone else . ’
4 A woman said : ‘ I 'm going back too and then I 'll return with my four children . ’
5 ( HOUSE COLLAPSES ) ’ 'Edward , it 's all in the timing , ’ Cicily Courtneidge once told him , ‘ so do your bit faster and then I 'll come on . ’
6 I think I 'll just give the hospital a ring and then I 'll go up to bed . ’
7 I 'll go back tonight and then I 'll do summat .
8 ‘ Wipe your nose first , and then I 'll tell you something that happened to me .
9 I 'll bide my time until I 'm in the ring and then I 'll prove that what I 've studied and believe in is right .
10 I want you to tell me a few things and then I 'll let you go back to sleep , all right ? ’
11 And then I 'll be past caring .
12 We 'll keep the mystery going today and then I 'll splash it tomorrow . ’
13 So I try and cling to the floor of the cave with my bare toes , but I ca n't because it 's all smooth and there 's nothing to cling to , and sooner or later I 'll start floating upwards and then I 'll bash my head in and get killed .
14 And then I 'll go back .
15 ‘ When I 've finished with Chan you can help me get that beast boring again , and then I 'll be making a whole load of calls . ’
16 When I was 15 I was in a depressed state and I thought , I 'll do these last paintings about the end of the world and then I 'll end it .
17 But in a minute I shall just jump in the car , and then I 'll be in Oxford before you can blink . ’
18 ‘ I 'll take Lady Lassiter home , men , and then I 'll come down to the buildings .
19 ‘ Generally , if I 'm playing on a track , I 'll listen to the lyrics and then I 'll try to come up with a guitar part that suits the song in terms of imagery .
20 I 'm thinking of London now and then I 'll think of Barcelona .
21 I 'm just waiting for my international clearance now , which should only take a few days , and then I 'll be aiming to challenge for a first team place . ’
22 If it is only 20 francs , Father will perhaps give me another 10 … and then I 'll rush off at tremendous speed . ’
23 ‘ I wo n't be long and then I 'll explain everything and you wo n't be cross any more . ’
24 Guilt swept over Constance but she felt like saying ‘ nor for me ’ , as Louise went on , ‘ Just for me , darling , say you 're sorry to your mother and then I 'll sort something out .
25 When I was 15 I was in a depressed state and I thought , I 'll do these last paintings about the end of the world and then I 'll end it .
26 You sit still there ; I 'll make us a drink , and then I 'll be off . ’
27 ‘ I 'm going to have a major rest and then I 'll consider what to do .
28 Now we never set up questions on the show — we 'll discuss areas that we might go into , but we never say , ‘ You say this to me , and then I 'll say that to you ’ , it just does n't work like that .
29 ‘ I 'll see to the fire and then I 'll make you some tea . ’
30 You first bring me some plywood , and then I 'll give you the picture ’ .
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